Re-Engage Loyal Customers near Your Store
With Mobile App Messaging, there are always new opportunities for retention and re-engagement using rich push notifications. Combining segmentation with geo-fencing is a very effective way to re-engage loyal customers who are passing near your store, especially if there is a special offer suited to their preferences.
Suppose the autumn/winter season is ending, and you would like to give an additional discount for the women's collection, but only for those with a membership card. Create a rule which sends special offers only to women who own a membership card.
This tutorial explains how to create a simple geo-targeting flow on Infobip web interface.
In order to send geofencing notifications, geofencing service needs to be enabled.
Process Workflow
Steps over web interface
Login to Infobip web interface using provided credentials (username and password).
Inside the People Module (opens in a new tab) your target person should be configured like this.
- Create Segmentation rule (opens in a new tab) to target only people of femalegender with attribute value membershipCard.
Besides Standard and Custom Attributes, you can also use tags for segmentation rule.
Send push notification to the specified audience by creating a new flow from scratch (opens in a new tab). As flow entry point choose One-time audience and pick the previously created segment.
Enter push message Title and Content.
- Under Advanced options specify image URL and send the push message with rich content.
Select Geographic areas option. Click on Create area and type the address. After you have selected the desired area, Enter Area Name.
In order not to spam your consumers, specify the active time window in which the message will be sent, e.g. avoid sending push notification when the store is not open or on Sundays.
Click the VALIDATE button and if everything is fine, LAUNCH your campaign.
You can also define Recurring options depending on the use case. Multiple entry can be useful in case the campaign lasts longer and you want to notify your consumers every time they enter the predefined area. In this case you can prevent spamming the user by using minimum interval. During minimum interval the user will not receive notifications (it can be defined in minutes, hours, or days).