Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency

Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - high-level overview

Improve the way how your customers participate in the loyalty program. Whether they collect points or achieve different levels that lead to some perks, they might like to know how they stand and how close they are to winning benefits. You can create interactive flows that will be available 24/7, ready to provide loyalty milestone information to your customers, encouraging them to take part in the loyalty program.

Process Workflow

Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - process workflow


Steps over Web Interface

  1. Log in (opens in a new tab) to the Infobip web interface, navigate to the Communicate module, click CREATE FLOW, and then click Start from Scratch.

  2. Select the One-time audienceand click START BUILDING.

Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - build flow
  1. Set up your Audience.

For example, choose a segment created in the Target module which includes all of your loyalty program members. For the purpose of this use case, we named it Loyalty.

  1. Add theSend SMS messageelement.

  2. Fill in all the required field for the channel you choose.

Here’s an example for SMS:

  • FROM - Choose a sender
  • CONTENT – Instruct your customers on how to request information. For example: “Hi, need to check your loyalty points? Send POINTS, and you will receive a reply.“
  1. Add the Evaluate inbound message element, and set CONDITIONS. Set up which keyword will trigger the next step in the Flow.
  • IF… keyword is POINTS
Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - inbound message
  1. Click the arrow from the SMS Keyword is POINTS and add the Call APIelement.
  • Enter theHTTP(S) URL – This should be a URL to the API service on your platform where loyalty points are stored, such as https://linktoyoursystem.com/loyalty_points (opens in a new tab).
  • Choose a Method – For most cases, POST and GET will do. For this example, use GET since you would like to get the data from your platform to the flow. Read our guide for Call API in the Learn section to learn more about other methods.
  • Click Add Key Value Pair to set HEADER – Be sure to include some kind of user ID so your platform can know which user’s loyalty points should be displayed. You can use the phone number for the user ID, any kind of external ID that you store in the People module for each of your customers or any unique identifier that can be used to distinguish your clients. Such as USER_ID as key and choose as a value.
  • Select the Wait until response is received check box – This means the flow will wait until your platform returns the info about loyalty points.
  • Select the Save to Variable from Response Body check box – This will save the loyalty points into a variable which can be used in elements later in the flow. In this case, you will use it right in the next element which will send loyalty points in an SMS message.

Read our guide for Call API and Flow Variables for more information.

    • Enter the name, for example, “points”.
    • Select variable type “Number”.
    • Enter response - map the response to that variable. Start with the $. and then follow with the name of the attribute you have in the response, such as “$.loyalty_points” – this depends on the response that is returned from your platform’s API.
Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - set variable
  • Set CONDITIONS, in this case where you expect points to be received, it should be set to IF… Response is RECEIVED.
Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - set conditions
  1. Click the arrow from the Response is Received and add the Send SMS message element. Fill in the required fileds for the channel you choose.
  • FROM - Choose a sender
  • CONTENT -  Write maybe something like: “Hi, you have loyalty points.“ Now you can use the variable previously created in the CALL API element.
Flow use case - Enhance Loyalty Program Transparency - send SMS
  1. Click VALIDATE (the flow will not launch when you click this).

  2. If everything is set correctly, you will see a summary screen and click LAUNCH NOW.

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