Send Renewal Policy Notifications

For customers whose policy is about to expire, you can send an automated LINE message to remind them to renew their policy. Within the message, send a direct link to the renewal policy web page with the online payment process.

This tutorials shows how to create an automated renewal policy notification scenario, remind customers of their policy expiration date, and speed up the entire process so customers don’t have to come to your branch in person and sign numerous paperwork.

LINE use case - send renewal policy notifications high-level overview

Process Workflow

LINE use case - Send policy renewal notifications process workflow


Steps over API

  1. Log in to Infobip API Resource hub (opens in a new tab) and copy your BASE URL. It is visible on top of the page below the API Key.

The personal BASE URL is a simple way to identify who sent out the API request. This means we can identify the request through DNS and then find the optimal route for API requests.

  1. Open Postman or similar API development tools, then choose the POST method.
  2. Replace the endpoint with your Base URL and then add the following to that URL: ''''
  3. Add the Authorization header. For example, Basic: Base64 encoded username and password. Learn more about Authentication on our Infobip API Resource hub.
  4. Copy the scenarioKey you previously created. Learn more about Creating a scenario.
  5. Specify the destination phoneNumber you wish to send the notification to.
  6. If you want to send a LINE Flex message, design your message with the LINE BOT designer. Refer to the Send LINE Notification Messages (Flex Message) article for more details.

Request example:

    POST /omni/1/advanced HTTP/1.1 
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== 
    Content-Type: application/json 
    "scenarioKey":" CC9F01A5DC7BEE2C2B829D203482A654", 
         "phoneNumber": "41793026727"
       "type": "FLEX",
       "altText": "Policy Renewal",
       "contents": {
          "type": "BUBBLE",
          "direction": "LEFT_TO_RIGHT",
          "header": {
              "type": "BOX",
              "layout": "HORIZONTAL",
              "contents": [
                    "type": "TEXT",
                    "text": " Policy Renewal",
                    "size": "XL",
                    "align": "CENTER",
                    "gravity": "CENTER",
                    "weight": "BOLD",
                    "color": "#FFFFFF"
          "body": {
            "type": "BOX",
            "layout": "VERTICAL",
            "contents": [
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "text": "Dear customer, this is a reminder for you to renew your policy.",
                  "gravity": "TOP",
                  "wrap": true
                 "type": "TEXT",
                 "text": "Service Name",
                 "margin": "LG",
                 "weight": "BOLD",
                 "color": "#7B7B7B"
                 "type": "TEXT",
                 "text": "Expired date: YYYY/MM/DD",
                 "margin": "XS",
                 "weight": "BOLD",
                 "color": "#7B7B7B"
         "footer": {
             "type": "BOX",
             "layout": "VERTICAL",
             "contents": [       
                 "type": "BUTTON",
                 "action": {
                 "type": "URI",
                 "label": "Renew Policy",
                 "url": ""
                 "color": "#EB532C"
          "styles": {
            "header": {
            "backgroundColor": "#EB532C"

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