Get Started
Start using Numbers in Infobip either via the web interface or the API.
To get started, you need an Infobip account. Log in (opens in a new tab) or you can create an Infobip account (opens in a new tab).
Numbers over web interface
The following instructions describe how to buy or order numbers, and import, manage, and cancel numbers over the web interface.
Buy or order numbers over web interface
To buy numbers over the web interface, Log in (opens in a new tab) to your Infobip account, and then:
Go to Channels and Numbers > Numbers.
Select the traffic destination country by choosing a country from the Country drop-down list. This is the country where the traffic would be terminated (where end users are).
Click Next.
Select the number capability from the options available. You can choose more than one channel but you may find that this affects the numbers being offered. The capability selection depends on the country selection made in the previous step.
- Voice
Click Next.
Select the number type. The number types displayed depends on the destination country and number capability chosen. Select the number type most appropriate to your business needs.
- Virtual Long Number, Short Code, Toll-Free and 10DLC
- Number type selection depends on the previous selections
Click Next.
Infobip then generates an offer for you. The number offer contains the following information:
- One-time fee - charged upon the number of procurements
- Monthly fee - charged every month
- Availability- depending on whether Infobip has such numbers in stock, or has to procure them from a number of suppliers
- Numbers that are in stock might also require additional configuration by the Infobip team before being assigned to you
- Capability - assigned to a number
- Ownership type - dedicated or shared
- Registration required
- Allowed client type - indicates whether there are any limitations for local or international clients
- Network coverage - in case the number can not terminate or receive traffic in certain networks in the county
When the offer is generated, the offer is dependent on the country you have selected. There are extensive requirements per offer. The offer asks for more specific information required per country.

Click the selection button next to the offer you want to choose. When you select an offer that fits your needs, you may be required to provide additional details in the next step. This step varies per country.
When you have provided the necessary details, you then see a summary of your order. You can set the number quantity, if you want to buy multiple numbers.
When you have submitted your request, you can view your requests from the My requests tab and track the status of your numbers.
If your account balance is low, top up your account using payments.
Import numbers over web interface
To request a number import:
Go to Channels and Numbers > Numbers
Click Import number.
Select the number details.
- Country
- Number Capability
- Number type
- Information on whether the number is actively used and requires traffic migration
Select the numbers.
- a number or list of numbers you want to import. they should match the criteria provided in the previous step
Select the Evidence of ownership
- LOA or receipt, as evidence that you are allowed to use the numbers you've listed
- up to 3 files are supported
When you have submitted your request, you can view your requests from the My requests tab and track the status of your numbers.
Managing your numbers over web interface
To configure a number:
Go to Channels and Numbers> Numbers.
Find the number that you want to edit.
To configure the numbers in bulk, you can choose several or all numbers. Select the checkbox to select all or select specific numbers.
When you click the number, you enter number details view. You see a General tab, as well as tabs for your number's capabilities.
To see all the possible actions you can set, see Actions and Keywords.
Cancelling numbers over web interface
When you no longer need a number and you want to stop receiving inbound traffic, you can cancel it.
When a number has been cancelled, you can no longer use it in communications, all future messages are not associated with your account, and future fees for that number in your account are discontinued.
To cancel a number, go to Channels and Numbers> Numbers and find the number you want to cancel. Enter the number details view, and click Cancel.
Numbers over API
The following instructions describe how to buy or order numbers, and import, manage, and cancel numbers over API.
Buy numbers over API
You can buy or request your numbers over the API without ever using the web interface. This allows you to automate the process when needed.
To buy a number over the API, use Submit resource request (opens in a new tab) in the Recourse Request API.
You can also use the existing Purchase numbers (opens in a new tab) in the Numbers API.
Cancel numbers over API
To cancel a number over the API, use Numbers API documentation (opens in a new tab).
Configure your inbound messages over API
To configure your inbound messages over API, use the Resource Management (opens in a new tab) in the Resources API.
To see all the possible actions you can set, see Actions and Keywords.
List resources and Lookup coverage over API
To request more information on your resource configurations, use the Resource Management API (opens in a new tab).
For example, to lookup the coverage for a resource, use Lookup coverage for a resource (opens in a new tab) and to list all the resources, including senders and usable numbers, use List resources (opens in a new tab).
Manage Voice numbers over API
To set up Voice numbers over API, use Numbers Management (opens in a new tab) in the Numbers API.
There are two expenses that you can expect when buying a number—set-up fee and monthly fee. In some cases, for example in the US, there could also be regulatory fees.
- Set-up fee is a one-time fee billed when you buy a number
- Monthly fee is a recurring fee, charged every 5th day of the month