Engage Customers With Birthday Messages

diagram showing birthday reminder message

If you expect loyalty from your customers, you would want to show them that they matter to you. Nothing says 'we care' like a simple, genuine gesture. Take a birthday greeting for example. Birthdays are a perfect occasion because most people keep an eye on messages on their special day and are not likely to miss your communication.

Setting up an automated communication to 'talk human' to customers will enrich your interaction with them and shape up all those happy little moments on all the right dates. What`s more, a promise of a thoughtful birthday gift or discount may even prompt people to become more active or start using your products or services again.

This use case will show you how to automatically send birthday messages to customers. You can use the same logic to send messages on other important dates.

Process Workflow

happy birthday reminder communication



To be able to send happy birthday messages to customers, you first need to share the information between your system and the Infobip People module, including the date of birth attribute that will be used in this example case. This can be done via People API (opens in a new tab) or you can import the file with this information.

The date of birth will be stored inside the People module as shown below. 

Steps Over Web Interface

  1. In the Communicate module on the Infobip web interface (opens in a new tab), click CREATE FLOW, and Start from Scratch.

  2. As your starting point, select Trigger> Change In People Profile.

  3. Click Change In People Profileelement and decide when do you want to send a happy birthday message with a special treat.

start communication with customer
  1. You can use the  SMS channel (or Email) to send your special birthday message.
sending birthday messages to customers

Message example: Hey, it`s your birthday today! What better time for a special gift? Use this 20% discount for any purchase in our stores any time before your next birthday:)

When done with the SMS content, scroll a bit to Delivery Time Window on the same side panel to pick the time for your message.

delivery time window for sms
  1. Your birthday greeting is almost ready. One more thing left to do is to click FLOW SETTINGS at the bottom of the page, and then Frequency to enable the same person to reenter the flow more than once.
user reenters communication flow

Finally, in Scheduling, check Run this flow indefinitely. Click VALIDATE and you are ready for LAUNCH!

indefinite communication flow for birthday reminders

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