Developers Blog

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  • Oct 31, 2022
  • Blog Post, Developer Experience, Engineering Practices

Pay Attention and Take Notes – Writing Great Documentation in Tech 

  • Oct 31, 2022
  • Blog Post, Engineering Practices

Good URI Practices: nouns and verbs, ID types, and requesting data formats 

  • Oct 31, 2022
  • Blog Post, Engineering Practices

Data-Driven Testing Design Pattern 

  • Oct 31, 2022
  • Blog Post, Engineering Practices

5 problems that delay software tasks and how to avoid them 

Infobip meetup RV
  • Oct 18, 2022
  • Announcement, Infobip events, Tools

What’s so great about gRPC APIs? Find out at Infobip Shift San Francisco Meetup

  • Oct 03, 2022
  • Blog Post, Infobip Products

Make an outbound app call with Infobip Calls API

  • Oct 03, 2022
  • Blog Post, Infobip Products

Connect two calls in a conference with Infobip Calls API