Number Lookup
Number Lookup over Broadcast

Number Lookup over Broadcast

To use Number Lookup over Broadcast, follow these steps:

  1. Log in (opens in a new tab) to the web interface and navigate to Moments > CREATE BROADCAST.

  2. Select Lookup as your channel and then fill out the necessary data:

    • To – Your targeted audience from which you will receive information if the phone number has been ported to another network, if the number is still valid, and if it has any permanent or any other errors. You can paste a list of numbers here, search for destinations from Peopleor use custom data by uploading a file.
    • Advanced Options – The data payload is available on all channels except Broadcast Voice. It provides the ability to send additional data along with a message. This data can be any placeholder that can also be used in the content of a message. The Push channel contains the MSISDN (cell phone number) by default, which is set as the data payload due to the technical implementation of the Push channel.
    • Scheduling Options – Every communication can be scheduled. For Lookup, you can scroll to the bottom of the Lookup screen for scheduling. There, you can set a start date, time, and time zone. An additional scheduling option is to set a Delivery Time Window. For more info about Delivery Time Window see the Message scheduling article.
    Number Lookup over Broadcast

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