Track Patient Health Data
Track Patient Health Data

Track Patient Health Data

Things, the Infobip connectivity platform, you can program your end-users’ IoT SIM connections, send configuration (APN, IP address) of the wearable via SMS, and track the costs correlated to the connectivity.

As added benefit, use Infobip Momentsto personalize patient interaction and better understand their behavior and act accordingly via different communication options convenient for the patient.

This tutorial explains how to track your patients' health information via our wireless IoT connectivity without any data loss, and provide exceptional care to your patients. Once you have the data, interact with them via video callto offer additional advice.

IoT Healthcare use case - high-level overview

Process Workflow

IoT Healthcare use case - Process workflow

In this use case specifically, wearables are sending data to hospital’s server and vice versa–where a patient has experienced sudden blood pressure irregularities which are instantly monitored by the wearable. Wearable sends that data with the help of Infobip SIM card to the server, and if there are any irregularities, it forwards that information via web or app to their family members or medical professionals.


Steps over Web Interface

  1. Use the automated order process via web interface (opens in a new tab) or contact your Account Manager to order a desired number of SIMs in a specified format, set the data limits, and specify delivery address.

    IoT Healthcare use case - New SIM order

    Enter the required order details and once you submit your order, a sales representative will contact you to review package fee options before processing the payment.

    IoT Healthcare use case - SIM card order form

    If you don’t have an Infobip account, reach out to your Account Manager to open one for you.

    In case you already have an account, you can order SIMs via our automated process for wireless connections:

    • available form so you can order SIMs on your own
    • ability to choose package options, type of cellular connectivity (3G, LTE, NB-IOT), relevant use case that IoT deployment would be correlated to detailing the approximate data consumption related to each use case (healthcare, connected car, connected truck, etc.), tier-based data limit expressed in MB (20MB, 50MB...1024MB)
  2. Now activate your SIM card(s) and change their status.

    IoT Healthcare use case - Activate SIM card
  3. Insert the SIM card in the device and start using it.

  4. Check the SIM card data usage for the current month. You can set up an alert that the monthly data usage limit has been reached on the web interface - and specify if you'd like to receive these alerts on web interface and via email or web interface only.

IoT Healthcare use case - Set alerts

Steps over API


Opened account (opens in a new tab) by Infobip sales representative.

  1. Use the automated ordering process over API.

  2. You can choose preferred package options, type of cellular connectivity (3G, LTE, NB-IOT), relevant use case that IoT deployment would be correlated to detailing the approximate data consumption related to each use case (healthcare, connected car, connected truck, etc.), tier-based data limit expressed in MB (20MB, 50MB...1024MB).

  3. Now is the time to activate the SIM card via Activation IoT (opens in a new tab) API.

    Request example:

        PUT /iot/2/sims/8981100022152967721/status 
        {"status": "Active/Suspended"}

    Response example:

        200 OK
        {"actionId": "f597d319-de5c-4524-9378-e95478b58dad"} 
  4. Insert the SIM card into your device and start using it.

  5. Check the data usage for the SIM card for the current month. You will receive an alert that the monthly data usage limit has been reached.

    Request example:

        GET /iot/2/sims/8981100022152967721/usage

    Response example:

        "iccid": "8981100022152967721",
        "receivedSmsCount": null,
        "sentSmsCount": null,
        "usedDataBytes": 27199488,
        "receivedCallsCount": null, 
        "sentCallsCount": null
  6. To receive email notifications for a specific SIM card when a predefined limit has been reached you can use the Infobip API method. The SIM card for which you would like to en-able the data alert notification needs to be associated with your account. There is only one mandatory parameter that you need to use in this request - enter the exact ICCID in the API request path for the SIM card that you want to enable notifications for.

    Request example:

        GET /iot/2/alert/{iccid} HTTP/1.1 
        Host: api.infobip.com 
        Authorization: Basic 

    Response example:

        {"iccid": 8944501704188849000, "limit": 500}
        No Content 

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