10DLC registration

10DLC registration

The registration process for 10-digit long code (10DLC (opens in a new tab)) numbers ensures that your numbers are compliant with US messaging guidelines.

You can complete the 10DLC registration in the following ways:

For both ways, the overall 10DLC registration process consists of the following steps:

  1. Buy a number.
  2. Create and register a brand.
  3. (optional) Vet your brand.
  4. Create a campaign connected to a number.
  5. Review by Infobip Compliance team and submit to The Campaign Registry (opens in a new tab) (TCR).
  6. Go live.

The following sections describe the registration process steps in more detail.

Buy a number

To send 10DLC traffic, you need to have a dedicated number. You can buy numbers easily via Infobip using either the Numbers (opens in a new tab) app or over the Numbers API (opens in a new tab).

If you already have an existing number that you wish to use in Infobip, it is possible to use this rather than purchase a new number.

You can request number import in Numbers (opens in a new tab), selecting the Long Code and US option. Describe your current setup in the comment section.

For more information about buying or importing a number, see the Numbers documentation.

Create and register a brand

The term brand refers to a company's business and legal information. Brand registration involves providing this information to The Campaign Registry (opens in a new tab) (TCR), which works on behalf of certain mobile network operators to verify your company. For example, in the US, both T-Mobile and AT&T use TCR's verification process, which means that until TCR verifies your brand, you can't send messages from a 10DLC number to those operators.

You need to register a brand only once per company. Brand registration incurs a one-time registration fee. For pricing details, see North America Pass-Through Fees (opens in a new tab).

Use the US Sender Registration app to guide you through the process of registering your brand.

Use the Number Registration API (opens in a new tab) if you wish to register a brand programmatically.

Registering your brand enables you to enter the required information and submit it directly to TCR. The Brands screen lets you see the status of your brand. Once you submit your brand registration, TCR will verify if all the information checks out. If the correct information is provided, brand registration is immediate.

Vet your brand

To ensure a high throughput, or to enable non-US brand's traffic to be terminated, you can vet your brand. Trigger brand vetting either from the US Sender Registration app or over the Number Registration API (opens in a new tab).

For more information about brand registration and vetting, see Brands.


For non-US brands, Tax ID information cannot be verified by TCR, and brand vetting is mandatory.

Create a campaign and submit for review

To send messages in the US, certain mobile network operators require that you submit a campaign. A campaign contains information about the messages you intend to send.

When you create and submit campaigns, the information is initially reviewed by the Infobip team, and is then propagated to The Campaign Registry (opens in a new tab) (TCR).

For each campaign, you need to provide:

  • Brand to which campaign would be associated
  • Basic information about your campaign
    • campaign name
    • summary
    • use case
  • Description of opt-in methods
  • Examples of messages
  • Support contact information and terms and conditions
  • Numbers that will be used with the campaign (up to 49 numbers)

For more information about campaigns, see Campaigns. For details about pricing, see North America Pass-Through Fees (opens in a new tab).

Campaign review

Once you've created the campaign creation and submitted it for review, a compliance review process is triggered, involving review by Infobip Compliance Team and submission to TCR.

The Infobip Compliance team reviews the campaign. It is important that all URLs are live during this review.


This stage may take up to 5 working days.

If a campaign is rejected, the Compliance team will provide a reason for the rejection.

If the campaign is accepted as compliant, then the Compliance team will move it to the next stage. The Compliance team then registers it with TCR and various mobile operators. The campaign will then be ready for use.

Go live

Once your number has been procured, and your brand and campaign have been fully registered and approved, your campaign can go live!

For more information about throughput, see Throughput.

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