Knowledge Base
Get started

Getting started

Be sure that you have gone over the steps in the Before Getting Started section before you continue with the Getting started section.

Once you have Knowledge Base as a module enabled, you will see it in the Infobip web interface when you log in (opens in a new tab). Now you can start building your Knowledge Base.

Next steps

Refer to Manage Articles to start creating content for your Knowledge Base.

Roles and permissions

Roles and Permissions have been enabled and you can now use them in Knowledge Base. There are two roles that you need to distinguish. More about these in the sections below.

Knowledge Base Manager

This role is assigned automatically to all those with the Conversations Manager role.

The following are the features available to the Knowledge Base Manager:

  • Content management
  • Import from file/Confluence/Sharepoint
  • Tag management
  • Comment management
  • Manual search in Conversations
  • Suggested content in Conversations

Knowledge Base User

This role is automatically assigned to all those with the Conversations Agent role.

The following are the features available to the Knowledge Base User:

  • Content reading
  • Commenting
  • Manual search in Conversations
  • Suggested content in Conversations

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