Message types

Message types

There are several different types of message templates you can use when using Messenger as your communication channel. Messenger messages are customizable to meet various requirements, which also allow you to quickly catch the data you need from customers.


Standard messages at a base level generally include several basic components which include text, an image, and up to three buttons with their own actions or links.

There are several more components you can add to standard messages. See Messenger in Answers and Messenger in Conversations for full information.

Rich card

Rich card messages are a type of standalone message which act as their own template. They consist of an image, title, optional subtitle, buttons and custom actions and URLs.

rich card message

Even though rich card messages act as standalone templates, you can still include them in your broader message templates where required.

See Messenger in Answers for full information around the components and capabilities of this widget.


Carousel messages are another type of standalone message which act as their own template. They are horizontally scrollable messages and can include up to 10 templates in the carousel.

carousel message

They work in the same way as Rich card messages but allow you to include multiple templates in one. See Messenger in Answers for full information around the components and capabilities of this widget.

Quick replies

Quick reply messages are standard messages with a quick reply option in the form of a button. They allow users to quickly select a response option from a message and respond with their corresponding information that is already stored in Facebook.

You can use quick reply options so that users can quickly select to add text, phone numbers and / or email addresses. See Messenger in Answers for full information.


Tags are addons which you can apply to standard messages which allow you to respond to customer messages outside of the 24 hour messaging window. Message tags are added through Conversations and are not visible to recipients.

These can be useful when communication is likely to have to occur outside of the standard messaging window, such as for event updates and purchases. Below you can see the available tag types.

  • CONFIRMED_EVENT_UPDATE – Send the user reminders or updates for an upcoming or in-progress event they have registered for.
  • POST_PURCHASE_UPDATE – Notify the user of an update on a recent purchase.
  • ACCOUNT_UPDATE – Notify the user of a non-recurring change to their application or account.

Private replies

Private replies allow you to respond to comments on your Facebook posts by switching the communication over to Messenger which is not public.

You will need to have social media posts enabled to use this, and is only available over the Infobip Conversations solution.

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