Google Business Messages
Get started

Getting started

Infobip manages the registration and enablement of your Google Business Messages connection, helps you identify entry points and use cases, and guides you through the onboarding process.

The following sections show the process.

Complete the form

Contact your Infobip Account Manager to start the registration process. Complete the service registration form that the Account Manager provides. The form includes the following information:

  • Basic information such as brand name, sender name, logo, and phone number
  • Details about entry points
  • Conversational settings such as welcome message, offline message, and conversation starters
  • Details about primary and secondary interactions, that is, human agents and chatbots
  • Verification information

Provide the completed form to your Account Manager. Infobip completes the registration and configures the entry points.


Infobip verifies the following:

  • Sender information. After Infobip verifies the sender, only the following information about your business can be modified:
    • Privacy policy
    • Phone number
    • Messaging availability
    • Conversation settings
    • Localization
  • Location information

The Business Messages API then associates the sender with all the locations that are in the location group.


Infobip provides you test URLs that you must use to test the sender setup.


Launch the sender. You can launch local and non-local entry points separately.

You can now communicate with your end users.

Best practices

Follow these best practices when using Business Messages:

  • Do not provide or request sensitive information (e.g. credit card numbers, credentials, ID...).
  • Respond to all messages from end users.
    • Respond on time.
    • Set up an automated offline chat message to acknowledge the end user's message. Specify an estimate of when they can expect a response.

Google measures time to respond (TTR) between messages. If your agent is slow to respond to end users, Google will remove your company's messaging buttons.

  • Use human agents to respond to requests that cannot be handled by automation. Example: Switch to an agent when your chatbot does not provide the information or does not fulfill a request twice consecutively.
  • Make sure that your messages are to the point. Avoid the following:
    • Messages that are irrelevant to the current conversation. Example: Messages about a product or service that is unrelated to the original request
    • Long messages
    • Excessive use of emojis and URLs
  • Use the placeId to provide contextual information. Example: location of a parcel. Implement a strategy for situations where a placeId is not available. Example: The entry point is not location based or you are unable to get the placeId for local (location-based) entry points.

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