Apple Messages for Business
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Messages for Business over Conversations

Use Messages for Business over Conversations to provide customers with quick support through one-on-one conversation with a live agent.

Offer customers the option to switch their chat from a chatbot to a live agent. Live agents can handle requests that a chatbot may not be able to handle.

Messages for Business over Answers

Use the Infobip chatbot building platform, Answers, to build artificial intelligence and keyword-based chatbots for real-time communication with customers. By deploying chatbots, you can provide round-the-clock support to customers.

Customers can communicate with the chatbot by using one of your Messages for Business entry points.

Messages for Business over Moments

Use Messages for Business over Flow in Moments to send communications based on customer information such as interests and activities. Use it to help customers resolve issues, schedule appointments, buy products and services, and much more.

For more information about how to create and build your flow, refer to the Create Flow article.

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