Get started

Get Started

Here you’ll find the complete process for getting started with Infobip Email. This section describes the steps to register your domain with Infobip, and how to insert records to the DNS and register the sender.

This section also includes our recommended best practices to optimize delivery.

By using Infobip Email as a communications channel, our goal is to deliver all emails that you send to your targeted inboxes. For the best chance of the successful delivery of your emails, follow this guide to ensure the best results.

Managing Senders

To use email in Infobip, you need to register your company's domain. There are two choices when onboarding your domain:

Deciding which option to choose depends on whether you are ready to go straight to production with your domain, or if you wish to conduct tests before moving to production.

Test a Single Sender

Setting up a new domain requires various DNS changes and may impact the email service. Before registering a new domain, you may test the email service by testing a single sender domain.

Infobip lets you verify a single sender domain with up to a maximum of 100 emails before you decide to continue to use this as the official company domain.

The single sender can be a publicly registered mailbox (for example,


This mailbox should be used for testing traffic ONLY.

You cannot use Yahoo or Gmail addresses for testing a single sender.

To set up the single sender:

In the web interface, select Channels and Numbers > Email and then click on Marketing & Transactional.

  1. You see the Senders page listing the currently registered senders that can send email on Infobip. Email page
  2. Click Add New, and then select Single Sender from the drop-down list. Email Single Senders
  3. On the Single Sender Registration form, enter the personal and company details:
    • From email
    • Sender name
    • Reply-to-email
    • Company address
    • Optional City and Country
    EMail Single Sender Registration
  4. Click Create. A new sender is created but in the status it is unverified. An email is sent to the sender email, which contains a link. Click the link and the status changes to sender_verified. Email Sender Verification
  5. The single sender is available as a option in From field when sending messages with Broadcast and API. Email Main Settings

For example, verify an email name [email protected] as a single sender. All single sender email traffic is sent via internal domains and the From field in the recipient inbox displays [email protected] via (opens in a new tab) or (opens in a new tab).

Register a New Domain

To use fully-featured email in Infobip, you need to register your company's domain. This step is necessary to confirm ownership of the user accounts and so enable you to send emails from any email address within that domain.

To verify your domain, you need the Domain Name System (DNS) records to apply to your hosting provider. It is possible to obtain your DNS records by requesting them from your dedicated Account Manager, however, we recommend that you produce them in Channels and numbers in the web interface.

To set up your sender domain:

  1. In the web interface, select Channels and NumbersEmail and then click on Marketing & Transactional.
    You see the list of domains that you have set up, along with information about whether they are verified or unverified. If you wish to set up email domains for using email with Conversations, go to the Conversations tab.

  2. Click Add New, and then select Domain from the drop-down list to add a new sender domain and set up the configuration. You then see the Authenticate your domain form.

  3. On the Authenticate your domain form, enter the domain name and the authentication settings 

    1. Enter a Domain name. You do not need to add a prefix, for example, https:// or www (opens in a new tab).
    2. Enter your Targeted Daily Traffic to be used for Automatic warmup. The limit that you set applies until your domain reaches the set targeted daily traffic. Note that automated warmup is enabled only for web interface users. For more information, see IP/Domain warmup.
    3. Select the DKIM key length. The Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a protocol used so the receiver can verify the provider and requires you to specify the character length. You can select either the 1024-bit or 2048-bit character length. Higher numbers provide better security making it more difficult for hackers to break. The DKIM key length is a one-time selection and you cannot change the value later.
    4. Enter an optional mailbox address for a Custom Return Path Address. A default return path is included in the message header and is set to an address with the same domain as the sender. The custom return path allows you to define a different, customized return path for every message sent from this domain. The address must include numbers and letters only.
    5. Choose an option that describes the purpose of the domain:
      • Marketing - for commercial emails that are promotional
      • Transactional - for non-commercial emails for a commercial transaction or a website action
      • Not defined - for emails that have no specific purpose when you set up the domain, and which can be changed later (see Manage Domain Settings)
      Register Domain
  4. Click Set Up Domain to finish your domain configuration. You see the records for your sender domain to be verified.

Manage Domain Settings

To see a list of the currently registered senders, in the Infobip web interface, select Channels and Numbers > Email and then click on Marketing & Transactional.

On the right-side of the domain, select the three-dot menu, and click Manage.

Manage Domain

You see the Domain Settings page where you can manage the options that you set when you created the domain.

Manage Domain Settings

The following table describes the four tabs on the Domain Settings page.

Domain Setting


DNS RecordsLists the mandatory and optional DNS records for email delivery. 
Domain purposeSets the main purpose of the domain. 
Marketing - for commercial emails that are promotional
Transactional - for non-commercial emails for a commercial transaction or a website action
Not defined - for emails that have no specific purpose

Set the tracking options for the domain using the on/off switches.

  • Open Tracking - lets you know when any email you sent has been opened or clicked
  • Unsubscribe tracking - collects and manages all unsubscribes with a do not contact list
  • Click tracking - lets you know how many times subscribers interact with links in the emails you dispatch
Custom Return PathDefine a different, customized mailbox address that can be used for the return path for email messages from this domain. 

Verify your sender domain

To verify your sender domain, you add the DNS records to your hosting provider and wait for the propagation of records within the DNS. Note that propagation can take up to 48 hours. Once the records are propagated, your sender domain is seen as verified and ready for use.

See the tutorials for some of the most common web providers and how to add DNS records to their websites.

Domain verification status is visible in the domain list above domain name. Verified domains are in green and unverified in red.

Email DNS records

TXT records are applied automatically to your domain.




TXT v=spf1 ~all SPF - Specifies the domain to be recognized as approved to send emails from it. 
TXT Find the value of this record in Domain details under Expected Value column DKIM - Preventing scammers, specifically phishers, from spoofing your organization and can lead to potential improvements to your overall deliverability 
CNAME It enables the links within your emails to contain the domain you use for sending and not Infobip default tracking domain. 
CNAMEFind the value of this record in Domain details under Expected Value columnThe DMARC record starts with _dmarcDMARC authenticates the domain in your from-address, which makes your emails even more trustworthy, and returns reports that can help to spot configuration or spoofing issues.

Three records are also applied to your domain setup that ensure better deliverability.




Find the value of this record in Domain details under Expected Value column Maps a domain name to the IP address. If your domain already has an A record, the same value should be set automatically. It is also possible that in some scenarios, this record is not created. For example, for the subdomain registration.
MX Specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a domain name and increases deliverability. The priority of the record should be 10. 

Once mandatory TXT records have been propagated, you are ready to send and test emails.

Before that, there are a few steps that you are advised to follow to establish optimal delivery. See Next Steps for more information.

Email in Conversations

Set up an email domain for the Infobip Conversations solution to allow your call center agents to reply to customer emails from within the Conversations agent panel.

See the section on Email setup in Conversations for more information.

Common Providers on Editing TXT Records

Here is a list of some of the most common domain/hosting providers on how to edit TXT records:

Infobip notifies you by email once DNS records are changed and once your domain is verified and ready to use. You’ll also see the verified label next to the domain. Note however, domain verification can take up to 48 hours due to the propagation delay between Infobip and your service provider.

You can then set up tracking for each domain. By default, tracking is enabled, but you can remove this as required.

Next Steps

Now that you have set up your sender domain(s) and/or subdomain(s), it's time to move on to the Deliverability Recommendations to ensure you are up to scratch with the best practices when using Email as your communication channel.

This protects you from spam detectors and builds up your reputation to be a trusted email sender.

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