LINE messages

Infobip supports LINE through its dedicated API. Use the Infobip LINE API to send notification messages to your customer base. Upon registering templates to use for your communication, proceed in using the LINE API message method to formulate your request.

You can send multiple template messages in a single API request. Remember to add supplementary options to your send request in case you would like to benefit from our additional features.

Message options

Additional message options can be applied to your API request.

Scheduling messages

Every communication can be scheduled. You can set a start date, time, and time zone. This feature comes in handy when you don’t want to disturb your customers during the night, or you want to send messages only during a specific period for optimal conversion.

    "SendAt": 2015-07-07T17:00:00.000+01:00

An additional scheduling option is to set sending speed limit. For example, you can limit the sending speed when sending messages in bulk to deliver messages over a longer period of time. This feature can be beneficial when you expect recipients to react to your call-to-action embedded within the dispatched message. In that way you could avoid overwhelming your system or agents with an influx of responses from end customers and avoid operational strain. You can set the number (amount) of messages that will be sent periodically. Available time units are: minutes, hours, days.

    "sendingSpeedLimit":  { "amount": 30, "timeUnit": "HOUR" }

You can also set a specific message delivery window outside of which messages won’t be delivered. You can set start time (hour/minute), end time (hour/minute), and days of the week. Time is expressed in the UTC time zone.

    "deliveryTimeWindow": {"days": [	"MONDAY",	"TUESDAY",	"WEDNESDAY",	"THURSDAY",	"FRIDAY",	"SATURDAY",	"SUNDAY"	],"from": {	"hour": 6,	"minute": 0	},"to": {	"hour": 15,	"minute": 30	}}

Validity period

There is a specific time period for messages during which the system will try to deliver them. For example, when you want to send a message to your audience and some users have their cell phones turned off, the system will retry delivery to these users until the validity period passes. The default and also the maximum validity period is 48 hours. It does not need to be set for each request. If you want to set a shorter period, you should define it under Validity period. Available time units are: seconds, minutes, hours. Default value is minutes.

    "validityPeriod":  { "amount": 30, "timeUnit": "MINUTES" }

SMS Failover

Add a failover to SMS option in case your LINE message does not reach the end user within the defined period. You can also set a validity period for the SMS message.

    "smsFailover":  { "sender": "41793026726", "text": "Failover message text", "validityPeriod":  { 	"amount": 2, 	"timeUnit": "HOURS" 	} }	 


LINE API works seamlessly with CPaaS X. This gives you greater flexibility in managing your configurations and resources in whatever manner that suits your needs. For more information about CPaaS X, refer to CPaaS X documentation.

    "platform": {"entityId": "priorityCustomer","applicationId": "clientTestEnvironment"}


Use the webhooks > delivery > url parameter option if you want users to be able to set the URL where they want to receive API responses. Define the URL under the webhooks parameter of the API request.

    "webhooks": {"delivery": {	"url": ""	},}

LINE delivery reports

Receive delivery reports method allows you to get one-time delivery reports for sent LINE messages. For this to work you need to have an endpoint to forward the reports to. Specify the endpoint per each message via the webhooks > delivery > url parameter. Alternatively, you can provide the endpoint’s URL to Customer support and they will set it up for you. Contact [email protected] if you require help.

If you are unable to receive real-time delivery reports towards your endpoint for various reasons, we offer you Get LON delivery reports method to fetch batches of delivery reports to confirm whether specific messages have been delivered. Each request towards this endpoint will return batches of the latest delivery reports. Please note they will be returned only once.

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