Live Chat
Advanced customization

Advanced customization



This feature is released as Early Access.

Besides basic customization, there are further advanced customization possibilities utilizing CSS variables (opens in a new tab), where you can define themes with custom styling and apply them at widget runtime.

By enabling this option, you can align the chat widget's appearance with your brand's logo, colors, and visual identity.

If you want to use the advanced customization option, the following is required:

  1. Activated LIVECHAT_CUSTOMIZATION feature flag.
  2. On the Live Chat configuration application, declare customization configuration (structure of the JSON described later).
  3. To set the current theme of the widget, use JS SDK API → liveChat('set_theme', 'theme_name'), e.g., liveChat('set_theme', 'dark')

Customization configuration structure

The ability to define themes and styles for the widget is facilitated by setting the theme in the JSON file. This file's content should then be inserted into the input text area on the widget configuration page. The structure of the JSON is as follows:

      "themes": {
        "default": {
          "lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-background-color": "#f7f7f7",
          "lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-text-color": "#000",
          "another_variable_name": "variable_value"
        "dark": {
          "lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-background-color": "#000",
          "lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-text-color": "#f7f7f7",
        "another_theme_name": {

When defining themes, the only required theme name is default. This theme is applied by default when advanced customization configuration is detected, and a widget is initiated on your page (if set_theme API was not called before). The selection of other themes and their respective names relies on your preferences. For instance, as shown above, the theme named "dark" could be assigned to the widget when the user activates dark mode on their device/browser.

Each theme is represented as an object of key and value pairs. The key represents the name of the CSS variable, and the value represents the CSS value as a string.
You do not need to add all supported CSS variables in your theme definition, only those for which you want to override their default values.

Supported CSS variables

Each CSS variable name follows the atomic design (opens in a new tab). They are declared based on the following structure:


  • lc - prefix for all CSS variables related to Live Chat
  • section - main parts that build the Live Chat widget (header, chat, footer, etc.)
  • organism - larger items that exist within a section that can be broken down into molecules (form, carousel, thread item, etc.)
  • molecules - smallest building blocks, as Live Chat is written in React you can imagine it as the bottom layer of react components (header title, avatar, bubble, etc.)
  • atoms - specific CSS property that the variable is overriding (background-color, padding, border-radius, etc.)

Below is a comprehensive list of all currently supported CSS variables, along with their names and information regarding the styles they affect (including the default values). They are categorized into different blocks based on the part of the widget they are related to.


lc-brand-background-color - represents the color selected on the widget configuration page under Theme. The primary color is used by other CSS variables as the default value (default: the one set on the widget configuration page)

lc-brand-text-color - represents the color selected on the widget configuration page under Theme. The primary text color is used by other CSS variables as the default value (default: the one set on the widget configuration page)

lc-chat-background-color - represents the color selected on the widget configuration page under Theme. The background color is used by other CSS variables as the default value (default: the one set on the widget configuration page)


lc-widget-wrapper-loading-background-color - sets the background color of the container loading widget (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-widget-wrapper-loading-spinner-color - sets the color of spinner in container that is loading widget (default: lc-brand-background-color)

lc-widget-wrapper-width - sets the width of the widget wrapper (default: 360px)
lc-widget-wrapper-height - sets the height of the widget wrapper (default: calc(100vh - 120px))
lc-widget-wrapper-max-height - sets the maximum height of the widget wrapper (default: 640px)
lc-widget-wrapper-border-radius - sets the border radius of the widget wrapper (default: 8px)
lc-widget-wrapper-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of the widget wrapper (default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0 4px 16px)
lc-widget-wrapper-y-position - sets the vertical position of the widget wrapper (default: 100px)
lc-widget-wrapper-x-position - sets the horizontal position of the widget wrapper (default: 20px)

lc-widget-button-width - sets the width of the widget button (default: 60px)
lc-widget-button-height - sets the height of the widget button (default: 60px)
lc-widget-button-position-y - sets the vertical position of the widget button (default: 20px)
lc-widget-button-position-x - sets the horizontal position of the widget button (default: 20px)
lc-widget-button-background-color - sets the background color of the widget button (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-widget-button-border-radius - sets the border radius of the widget button (default: 50%)
lc-widget-button-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of the widget button (default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0 4px 16px)
lc-widget-button-close-icon-color - sets the color of the Close icon in the widget button (default: lc-brand-text-color)

lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-width - sets the width of the unread messages counter (default: 23px)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-height - sets the height of the unread messages counter (default: 23px)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-top - sets the top position of the unread messages counter (default: -3px)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-right - sets the right position of the unread messages counter (default: -4px)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-color - sets the color of the unread messages counter (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-background-color - sets the background color of the unread messages counter (default: #e0283e)
lc-widget-unread-messages-counter-border-radius - sets the border radius of the unread messages counter (default: 50%)


lc-header-container-height - sets the height of the widget header (default: 80px)
lc-header-container-padding - sets the padding from individual header elements (default: 20px)
lc-header-container-background-color - sets the background color of the widget header (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-header-container-border-bottom - sets properties for the bottom border of the widget header (default: none)
lc-header-container-item-gap - sets the gap between header elements (navigation button, title, avatar; default: 10px)

lc-header-thread-list-nav-bar-color - sets the color of the button icon navigating to the thread list in the multi-thread widget (default: lc-brand-text-color)

lc-header-logo-width - sets the width of the widget logo (default: 40px)
lc-header-logo-height - sets the height of the widget logo (default: 40px)
lc-header-logo-margin - sets the margins for the widget logo (default: (0px 0px))
lc-header-logo-border-radius - sets the border radius for the widget logo (default: 50%)

lc-header-title-color - sets the text color of the widget title (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-header-title-font-size - sets the font size of the widget title (default: 16px)
lc-header-title-font-weight - sets the font weight of the widget title (default: bold)

lc-header-close-button-visibility - sets the visibility of the Close button if there is one present in the header; by default, it is only shown on mobile-sized screens (default: hidden)
lc-header-close-button-width - sets the width of the Close button (default: 40px)
lc-header-close-button-height - sets the height of the Close button (default: 40px)
lc-header-close-button-color - sets the icon color of the Close button (default: lc-brand-text-color)


lc-chat-message-bubble-margin - sets the margin around the message bubble (default: (0, 0, 8px, 0))
lc-chat-message-bubble-padding - sets the padding around the message bubble (default: (12px 20px))
lc-chat-message-bubble-text-color - sets the color of the text in the message bubble; it is used for agent/user bubble text color when they are not defined

lc-chat-message-user-bubble-text-color - sets the color of the text in the user message bubble (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-chat-message-user-bubble-background-color - sets the background color of the user message bubble (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-chat-message-user-bubble-border-radius - sets the border radius of the user message bubble (default: (8px 2px 8px 8px))

lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-text-color - sets the color of the text in the agent message bubble (default: #000)

lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-background-color - sets the background color of the agent message bubble (default: #f7f7f7)
lc-chat-message-agent-bubble-border-radius - sets the border radius of the user message bubble (default: (2px 8px 8px 8px))

lc-chat-message-bubble-send-time-color - sets the margin around the first message bubble (it overrides lc-chat-message-bubble-margin) (default: 0, 0, 4px, 0)
lc-chat-message-bubble-middle-margin - sets the margin around the middle message bubble(s) (it overrides lc-chat-message-bubble-margin) (default: 0, 0, 4px, 0)
lc-chat-message-bubble-last-margin - sets the margin around the last message bubble (it overrides lc-chat-message-bubble-margin) (default: 0, 0, 4px, 0)

lc-chat-message-bubble-first-margin - sets the color of the send time below the message bubble (default: #737376)
lc-chat-message-bubble-agent-name-color - sets the color of the agent name next to the message bubble (default: #737376)
lc-chat-message-bubble-resend-button-color - sets the color of the Resend button in case the message was not sent successfully (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-chat-agent-typing-indicator-first-color - sets the color of the first color in the "Agent typing" indicator animation (default: #d8d8d8)
lc-chat-agent-typing-indicator-second-color - sets the color of the second color in the "Agent typing" indicator animation (default: #b0b0b0)
lc-chat-agent-typing-indicator-circle-color - sets the color of the circle in the "Agent typing" indicator animation (default: #b0b0b0)
lc-chat-agent-avatar-name-text-color - sets the color of the agent name text in the avatar (default: #3d5869)
lc-chat-agent-avatar-name-background-color - sets the color of the agent name background in the avatar (default: #f7f7f7)
lc-chat-time-divider-text-color - sets the color of the time divider text (default: #979797)

lc-chat-carousel-background-color - sets the background color of the carousel (default: none)
lc-chat-carousel-message-border-radius - sets the border radius of the carousel message item (default: 4px)
lc-chat-carousel-message-background-color - sets the background color of the carousel message item (default: #F7F7F7)

lc-chat-quickreply-button-background-color - sets the background color of the quick reply buttons (default: color-mix(in srgb, lc-brand-background-color 10%, transparent))
lc-chat-quickreply-button-background-color-hover - sets the background color of the quick reply buttons when hovered over (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-chat-quickreply-button-border - sets the border properties of the quick reply buttons (default: 1px solid lc-brand-background-color)
lc-chat-quickreply-button-border-hover - sets the border properties of the quick reply buttons when hovered over (default: lc-chat-quickreply-button-border)
lc-chat-quickreply-button-border-radius - sets the border radius of the quick reply buttons (default: 4px)
lc-chat-quickreply-button-color - sets the text color of the quick reply buttons (default: lc-brand-background-color-darker)
lc-chat-quickreply-button-color-hover - sets the text color of the quick reply buttons when hovered over (default: lc-brand-text-color)

lc-chat-scrollbar-background-color - sets the color of the scrollbar (default: inherit)
lc-chat-scrollbar-background-color-hover - sets the color of the scrollbar when hovered over (default: lc-chat-scrollbar-background-color)
lc-chat-scrollbar-border - sets the border properties of the scrollbar (default: 5px solid transparent)
lc-chat-scrollbar-border-hover - sets the border properties of the scrollbar when hovered over (default: lc-chat-scrollbar-border)
lc-chat-scrollbar-border-radius - sets the border radius of the scrollbar (default: 16px)
lc-chat-scrollbar-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of the scrollbar (default: inset 0 0 100px 100px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))
lc-chat-scrollbar-box-shadow-hover - sets the box shadow of the scrollbar when hovered over (default: lc-chat-scrollbar-box-shadow)
lc-chat-scrollbar-width - sets the width of the scrollbar (default: 16px)

lc-chat-loading-spinner-fill-color - sets the fill color of the loading spinner (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-chat-loading-spinner-stroke-color - sets the stroke color of the loading spinner (default: lc-brand-background-color)


lc-footer-container-background-color - sets the background color of the widget footer (default: lc-chat-background-color)

lc-footer-start-chat-button-background-color - sets the background color of the Start New Chat button used in multi-thread widgets (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-color - sets the text color of the Start New Chat button used in multi-thread widgets (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-color - sets the color of information text explaining why the Start New Chat button is visible, e.g., when a conversation is closed (default: #545454)

lc-footer-attachment-icon-hover-background-color - sets the background color of the attachment button when hovered over (default: #f5f5f5)
lc-footer-attachment-icon-color - sets the color of the attachment icon (default: #B4B4B4)
lc-footer-attachment-icon-selected-color - sets the color of the attachment icon after the user selects an attachment they intend to send (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-footer-attachment-background-color - sets the background color of the component representing the attachment ready to be sent by the user (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-footer-attachment-color - sets the text color of the component representing an attachment ready to be sent by the user (default: lc-brand-text-color)

lc-footer-send-button-color - sets the color of the Send Message button (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-footer-send-button-disabled-color - sets the color of the Send Message button while it is disabled, e.g., when a message input is empty (default: #B4B4B4)

lc-footer-emoji-picker-icon-hover-background-color - sets the background color of the emoji picker button when hovered over (default: #f5f5f5)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-icon-color - sets the color of the emoji picker (default: #B4B4B4)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-icon-selected-color - sets the color of the emoji picker when the emoji picker modal is open (default: lc-brand-background-color)

lc-footer-emoji-picker-color - sets the color of the text in the emoji picker menu (default: #222427)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-border-color - sets the border color of the emoji picker menu (default: #d9d9d9)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-background-color - sets the background color of the emoji picker menu (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-search-color - sets the search text color in the emoji search component (default: lc-footer-emoji-picker-color)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-search-border-color - sets the border color of the emoji search component (default: lc-footer-emoji-picker-border-color)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-search-background-color - sets the background color of the emoji search component (default: lc-footer-emoji-picker-background-color)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-search-icon-color - sets the color of the search icon in the emoji search component (default: lc-footer-emoji-picker-color)
lc-footer-emoji-picker-search-no-result-color - sets the color of the information text displaying that no emoji within the search parameter was found (default: #B4B4B4)
lc-footer-emoji-hover-background-color - sets the background color of the emoji in the picker menu that is currently hovered over (default: #f5f5f5)

lc-footer-start-chat-button-border-radius - sets the border radius for the 'Start new chat' button (default: 4px)

lc-footer-container-padding - sets the padding of the widget footer (default: 10px 10px)
lc-footer-container-margin - sets the margin of the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-container-border-top - sets the top border of the widget footer (default: solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1))

lc-footer-input-container-background-color - sets the background color of the input container in the widget footer (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-footer-input-container-padding - sets the padding of the input container in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-input-container-margin - sets the margin of the input container in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-input-container-gap - sets the gap between elements in the input container in the widget footer (default: 5px)

lc-footer-message-input-container-width - sets the width of the message input container in the widget footer (default: 100%)
lc-footer-message-input-container-padding - sets the padding of the message input container in the widget footer (default: 3px 0)
lc-footer-message-input-container-margin - sets the margin of the message input container in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-message-input-container-font-size - sets the font size of the message input container in the widget footer (default: 15px)
lc-footer-message-input-container-font-weight - sets the font weight of the message input container in the widget footer (default: normal)
lc-footer-message-input-container-font-style - sets the font style of the message input container in the widget footer (default: normal)
lc-footer-message-input-container-line-height - sets the line height of the message input container in the widget footer (default: 24px)
lc-footer-message-input-container-background-color - sets the background color of the message input (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-footer-message-input-container-cursor - sets the cursor style of the message input container in the widget footer (default: text)
lc-footer-message-input-color - sets the color of message input (default: black)

lc-footer-attachment-button-width - sets the width of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: 30px)
lc-footer-attachment-button-height - sets the height of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: 30px)
lc-footer-attachment-button-padding - sets the padding of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-button-margin - sets the margin of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-button-border-radius - sets the border radius of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: 50%)
lc-footer-attachment-button-background-color - sets the background color of the attachment button in the widget footer (default: inherit)

lc-footer-send-button-width - sets the width of the Send Message button in the widget footer (default: 30px)
lc-footer-send-button-height - sets the height of the Send Message button in the widget footer (default: 30px)
lc-footer-send-button-padding - sets the padding of the Send Message button in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-send-button-margin - sets the margin of the Send Message button in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-send-button-background-color - sets the background color of the Send Message button in the widget footer (default: inherit)

lc-footer-attachment-container-padding - sets the padding of the attachments preview container in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-container-margin - sets the margin of the attachments preview container in the widget footer (default: 10px 0)
lc-footer-attachment-min-width - sets the minimum width of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 130px)
lc-footer-attachment-min-height - sets the minimum height of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 30px)
lc-footer-attachment-padding - sets the padding of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-margin - sets the margin of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-border - sets the border of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: solid 1px #e4e4e4)
lc-footer-attachment-border-radius - sets the border radius of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 4px)
lc-footer-attachment-font-size - sets the font size of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 14px)
lc-footer-attachment-font-weight - sets the font weight of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: normal)
lc-footer-attachment-font-style - sets the font style of the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: normal)

lc-footer-attachment-image-max-width - sets the maximum width of the image attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 150px)
lc-footer-attachment-image-max-height - sets the maximum height of the image attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 250px)
lc-footer-attachment-image-border-radius - sets the border radius of the image attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 4px)

lc-footer-attachment-document-max-width - sets the maximum width of the document attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 300px)
lc-footer-attachment-document-padding - sets the padding of the document attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 0)
lc-footer-attachment-document-margin - sets the margin of the document attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 0 32px 0 6px)

lc-footer-attachment-detach-icon-top - sets the top position of the detach icon in the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 6px)
lc-footer-attachment-detach-icon-right - sets the right position of the detach icon in the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: 6px)
lc-footer-attachment-detach-icon-background-color - sets the background color of the detach icon in the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
lc-footer-attachment-detach-icon-color - sets the color of the detach icon in the attachment preview in the widget footer (default: #FFFFFF)

lc-footer-attachment-error-width - sets the width of the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: 90%)
lc-footer-attachment-error-padding - sets the padding of the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: 2px 0px 0px 0px)
lc-footer-attachment-error-margin - sets the margin of the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: 0px 0px 0px 5px)
lc-footer-attachment-error-gap - sets the gap between elements in the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: 12px)
lc-footer-attachment-error-color - sets the color of the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: #c84714)
lc-footer-attachment-error-border-top - sets the top border of the attachment error message in the widget footer (default: solid 1px)

lc-footer-start-chat-container-gap - sets the gap between elements in the "Start chat" container in the widget footer (default: 10px)
lc-footer-start-chat-container-padding - sets the padding of the "Start chat" container in the widget footer (default: 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-container-margin - sets the margin of the "Start chat" container in the widget footer (default: 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-container-background-color - sets the background color of the "Start chat" container in the widget footer (default: lc-chat-background-color)

lc-footer-start-chat-text-background-color - sets the background color of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-padding - sets the padding of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: 5px 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-margin - sets the margin of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-font-size - sets the font size of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: 15px)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-font-weight - sets the font weight of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: normal)
lc-footer-start-chat-text-font-style - sets the font style of the "Start chat" text in the widget footer (default: normal)

lc-footer-start-chat-button-width - sets the width of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 85%)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-height - sets the height of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 48px)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-padding - sets the padding of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-margin - sets the margin of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 0px)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-border-radius - sets the border radius of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 4px)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-font-size - sets the font size of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: 15px)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-font-weight - sets the font weight of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: normal)
lc-footer-start-chat-button-font-style - sets the font style of the Start Chat button in the widget footer (default: normal)


lc-survey-content-flex-direction - sets the survey type content flex direction (default: column)
lc-survey-content-font-size - sets the survey content font size (default: 4vw)
lc-survey-content-gap - sets a gap between the survey content elements (default: 20px)
lc-survey-content-padding - sets the padding of the survey content (default: 10px)

lc-survey-modal-background-color - sets the background color of the survey modal window (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-survey-modal-flex-direction - sets the flex direction of elements inside the survey modal window (default: column)
lc-survey-modal-padding - sets the padding of the survey modal window (default: 5px)

lc-survey-user-rating-item-background-color - sets the background color of the user rating button option (thumbs up, thumbs down) (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of the user rating button options (default: 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1))
lc-survey-user-rating-item-box-shadow-hover - sets the hover box shadow of the user rating button options (default: 0 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2))
lc-survey-user-rating-item-icon-color - sets the color of the icon on the user rating button option (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-negative-background-color - sets the background color of the negative user rating button option (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-negative-icon-color - sets the color of the icon of the negative user rating button option (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-padding - sets the padding of the user rating button options (default: 10px 20px)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-selected-background-color - sets the background color of the user rating button option when selected by the user (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-survey-user-rating-item-selected-icon-color - sets the color of the icon on the user rating button option when selected by the user (default: lc-brand-text-color)

lc-survey-user-rating-options-gap - sets a gap between the user rating button options (default: 20px)
lc-survey-user-rating-options-flex-direction - sets a flex direction of the user rating button options (default: row)
lc-survey-user-rating-options-justify-content - sets the justify content type of the user rating button options (default: center)

lc-survey-user-input-background-color - sets the background color of the user feedback input area (default: #f7f7f7)
lc-survey-user-input-placeholder-color - sets the color of the user feedback input placeholder text (default: #545454)

lc-survey-submit-button-align-self - aligns the Submit Survey button position in a horizontal direction (default: center)
lc-survey-submit-button-background-color - sets the background color of the Submit Survey button (default: lc-brand-background-color)
lc-survey-submit-button-color - sets text color of the Submit Survey button (default: lc-brand-text-color)
lc-survey-submit-button-disabled-background-color - sets the background color of the Submit Survey button when it is disabled (default: #e4e4e4)
lc-survey-submit-button-disabled-color - sets the text color of the Submit Survey button when it is disabled (default: #737376)
lc-survey-submit-button-padding - sets the padding of the Submit Survey button (default: 10px 30px)

Thread list

lc-thread-list-background-color - sets the background color of the thread list view (default: lc-chat-background-color)
lc-thread-list-border-radius - sets the border radius of the thread list view (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-margin - sets the margin of the thread list view (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-padding - sets the padding of the thread list view (default: initial)

lc-thread-list-card-background-color - sets the background color of individual thread cards (default: lc-thread-list-background-color)
lc-thread-list-card-border-radius - sets the border radius of individual thread cards (default: 2px)
lc-thread-list-card-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of individual thread cards (default: 0 1px 3px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.17))
lc-thread-list-card-box-shadow-hover - sets the hover box shadow of individual thread cards (default: 2px 2px 5px grey)
lc-thread-list-card-height - sets the height of individual thread cards (default: 72px)
lc-thread-list-card-margin - sets the margin of individual thread cards (default: 8px 12px)
lc-thread-list-card-padding - sets the padding of individual thread cards (default: initial)

lc-thread-list-card-avatar-align-items - aligns the avatar in the vertical direction (default: center)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-background-color - sets the background color of the box for the card avatar (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-border-radius - sets the border radius of the box for the card avatar (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-justify-content - aligns the avatar in the horizontal direction (default: center)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-logo-height - sets the height of the avatar logo (default: 30px)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-logo-width - sets the width of the avatar logo (default: 30px)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-margin - sets the margin of the box for the card avatar (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-padding - sets the padding of the box for the card avatar (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-avatar-width - sets the width of the box for the card avatar (default: 70px)

lc-thread-list-card-message-container-background-color - sets the background color of the card message container (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-container-border-radius - sets the border radius of the card message container (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-container-margin - sets the margin of the card message container (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-container-padding - sets the padding of the card message container (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-container-width - sets the width of the card message container (default: 75%)

lc-thread-list-card-message-content-background-color - sets the background color of the card message preview (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-border-radius - sets the border radius of the card message preview (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-color - sets the text color of the thread card message preview (default: #B4B4B4)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-font-size - sets the font size of the card message preview (default: 14px)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-font-style - sets the font style of the card message preview (default: normal)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-font-weight - sets the font weight of the card message preview (default: normal)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-line-height - sets the line height of the card message preview (default: 140%)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-margin - sets the margin of the card message preview (default: 2px 0px 0px 0px)
lc-thread-list-card-message-content-padding - sets the padding of the card message preview (default: initial)

lc-thread-list-card-message-info-background-color - sets the background color of the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-border-radius - sets the border radius of the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-color - sets the text color of the thread card header and timestamp (default: #545454)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-flex-direction - sets the flex direction type of the card message info (default: row)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-font-size - sets the font size of the card message info (default: 14px)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-font-style - sets the font style of the card message info (default: normal)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-font-weight - sets the font weight of the card message info (default: normal)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-line-height - sets the line height of the card message info (default: 115%)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-margin - sets the margin of the card message info (default: 16px 0px 0px 0px)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-padding - sets the padding of the card message info (default: initial)

lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-background-color - sets the background color of the name box in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-border-radius - sets the border radius of the name box in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-color - sets the text color of the name in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-font-size - sets the font size of the name in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-font-style - sets the font style of the name in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-font-weight - sets the font weight of the name in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-margin - sets the margin of the name box in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-padding - sets the padding of the name box in the card message info (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-message-info-name-width - sets the width of the name box in the card message info (default: 90%)

lc-thread-list-card-lock-icon-height - sets the proportional size of the lock icon (default: 16px)
lc-thread-list-card-lock-icon-margin-left - sets the margin left for the horizontal lock icon positioning (default: 10px)
lc-thread-list-card-lock-icon-margin-top - sets the margin top for the vertical lock icon positioning (default: 10px)

lc-thread-list-card-channel-switch-height - sets the proportional size of the channel switch icon (default: 16px)
lc-thread-list-card-channel-switch-margin-left - sets the margin left for the horizontal channel switch icon positioning (default: 37px)
lc-thread-list-card-channel-switch-margin-top - sets the margin top for the vertical channel switch icon positioning (default: 12px)

lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-background-color - sets the background color of the unread message counter (default: #C84714)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-border-radius - sets the border radius of the unread message counter (default: 50%)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-color - sets the text color of the unread message counter (default: #FFFFFF)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-font-size - sets the font size of the unread message counter (default: 12px)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-font-weight - sets the font weight of the unread message counter (default: initial)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-height - sets the height of the unread message counter (default: 18px)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-right - sets the right property for the horizontal unread message counter positioning (default: 15px)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-top - sets the top property for the vertical unread message counter positioning (default: 38px)
lc-thread-list-card-unread-message-counter-width - sets the width of the unread message counter (default: 18px)


lc-eye-catcher-container-x-position - sets the horizontal position of the eye-catcher container (default: 100px)
lc-eye-catcher-container-y-position - sets the vertical position of the eye-catcher container (default: 20px)
lc-eye-catcher-container-gap - sets the gap between elements in the eye-catcher container (default: 3px)

lc-eye-catcher-close-button-width - sets the width of the Close button in the eye-catcher (default: 30px)
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-height - sets the height of the Close button in the eye-catcher (default: 30px)
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-border-radius - sets the border radius of the Close button in the eye-catcher (default: 50%)
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-background-color - sets the background color of the Close button in the eye-catcher (default: rgba(white, 0.8))
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-hover-background-color - sets the background color of the Close button in the eye-catcher when it is hovered over (default: #f5f5f5)
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-color - sets the color of the Close button in the eye-catcher (default: #999999)
lc-eye-catcher-close-button-hover-color - sets the color of the Close button in the eye-catcher when it is hovered over (default: #4c4c4c)

lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-max-width - sets the maximum width of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 220px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-min-width - sets the minimum width of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 80px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-max-height - sets the maximum height of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 125px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-padding - sets the padding of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 18px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-margin - sets the margin of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 0)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-background-color - sets the background color of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: white)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-box-shadow - sets the box shadow of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 0px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18))
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-border-radius - sets the border radius of the message bubble in the eye-catcher (default: 8px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-text-font-size - sets the font size of the message bubble text in the eye-catcher (default: 14px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-text-font-weight - sets the font weight of the message bubble text in the eye-catcher (default: normal)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-text-font-style - sets the font style of the message bubble text in the eye-catcher (default: normal)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-text-line-height - sets the line height of the message bubble text in the eye-catcher (default: 18px)
lc-eye-catcher-message-bubble-text-color - sets the color of the message bubble text in the eye-catcher (default: black)

Set a theme

To apply the theme to the Live Chat widget on your website, you can use the JS SDK API:

liveChat('set_theme', 'theme_name')

You can call the JS SDK API before initializing the widget, and it will be applied when the widget is rendered on your page. Similarly, calling the API after widget initialization will result in the immediate application of changes. If the API is not called but advanced customization is defined with a default theme, it will automatically apply upon widget initialization.

In case of errors, such as an incorrect JSON structure or calling the API with a non-existent theme, the default values for CSS variables are used, or the previously set theme remains unchanged.

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