Mobile Push and In-App Messages
Mobile apps contact information management API

Mobile Apps Contact Information Management API

Push device registration (pushRegistrationId) is one of the ways to contact a specific person. One person can have one or more push devices. A single push device always belongs to one person. pushRegistrationID of a device is a unique identifier for all people.

The push device data is mostly managed by the mobile SDKs for Android (opens in a new tab)iOS (opens in a new tab)Cordova (opens in a new tab), and React Native (opens in a new tab). Some device data is gathered by the SDK automatically, such as the application version or device model. Such data is marked as read-only in the model below.

There are also other types of data such as Primary flag or Additional data attributes which can be managed both through the SDK and via HTTP APIs.

With Mobile Apps contact information management API, you can:

  • Get push device registration
  • Update push device registration
  • Personalize
  • Depersonalize

The APPLICATION CODE should be provided for each HTTP request via the AppCode header. You can find a specific application code in the Create Mobile Application Profile section.


Body parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescription 
registrationIdstring(read-only)Registration identifier of a particular push device registration.
applicationIdstring(read-only)Internal identifier of a push application configuration.
isPrimarybooleanSet to true if this device is a primary user device among other devices.
systemDatasystem dataSet of push-specific attributes, see System data.
additionalDatalist of custom attributesCustom attributes set for a device, see Additional data.

System data

Parameter nameTypeDescription 
registrationEnabledbooleanState of the device registration.
notificationsEnabledboolean (read-only)Set to true if notifications are enabled on a device.
geofencingSdkboolean (read-only)Set to true if geofencing is enabled on a device.
sdkVersionstring (read-only)SDK version that is running on a device.
appVersionstring (read-only)The version of the application which SDK is embedded into.
osstring (read-only)The operating system type can be Android or iOS.
osVersionstring (read-only)The version of the operating system.
deviceManufacturerstring (read-only)The manufacturer of the device as detected by the SDK.
deviceModelstring (read-only)The model of the device.
deviceSecureboolean (read-only)Set to true if the device has any type of secure screen lock set up.
osLanguagestring (read-only)Identifier of the language used on a device.
deviceTimezoneOffsetstring (read-only)UTC-related time zone offset that identifies the current time zone of a device.
deviceNamestring (read-only)The name of the device as configured by the user.

Additional data

Additional data specifies a list of custom values assigned to a device.

Attribute fields




namestring Name of the attribute256 characters max
valuestring, number, boolean, dateValue of the attributeMax value for number is 9223372036854775807. Max value for a string is 4096 characters. The date is YYYY-MM-DD.

Get Push Device Registration

Refer to the Get Push Device Registration (opens in a new tab) method to get the device data from the platform.

Update Push Device Registration

Refer to the Update Push Device Registration (opens in a new tab) method to update the device data on the platform.


Each person can have a phone number, email, or external ID. These fields are unique identifiers of a person on the Infobip platform and provide the capability to personalize (opens in a new tab) any push device registration with a person profile. The platform provides data grouping functions based on these parameters, meaning devices personalized with the same phone number or/and email will be collected under a single person.

The following query parameters are supported:

Query parameters

Query parameterTypeDescription
forceDepersonalizebooleanSet this parameter to true if you want previous personalization to always be reset. Do not use this parameter if you want to know when there’s an attempt to personalize already personalized registration.

Body parameters

Body parameterTypeDescription
identityAn object that contains an externalIdphoneNumber, and/or emailUnique identifiers from this object will be used to personalize the push registration. Important: for externalId any string values such as “null”, “Null” or “NULL” are not supported and would be considered as JSON null.
attributesAn object that contains zero or more person fields such as firstNamegendercustomAttributes, tags, etc.Data specified in this object will be applied to the target person to add personalization attributes.


You can depersonalize (opens in a new tab) a device in order to detach it from the  current person profile so that the device won’t receive messages when targeted by any of the person attributes.

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