Mobile Push and In-App Messages
Send mobile push over API

Send Mobile Push over API

Send Mobile Push over API

Mobile Push API offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to destination targeting options. Below you will find the available fields and examples of how they can be used.

To send a single Push notification to one or multiple recipients, use this method (opens in a new tab). When sending a large number of messages or targeting different user segments with different messages to optimize data traffic and increase performance, use this method (opens in a new tab).


Learn how to properly implement destination address type parameters in the Android (opens in a new tab), iOS, (opens in a new tab)and Huawei (opens in a new tab) SDK documentation, or for the React Native (opens in a new tab), Flutter, (opens in a new tab)and Cordova (opens in a new tab)plugins.

Destination address types enabled by default:




pushRegistrationIdstringPush Registration Id is a unique ID which identifies application instance and specific device.
platformstringPossible values are Android or iOS.

SDK Version which can be found on GitHub:
Mobile SDK iOS releases

Mobile SDK Android releasesMobile SDK Huawei releasesReleases of plugins for:React NativeFlutterCordova
osVersionstringOS version.

Device manufacturer:
iOS - Apple
Android - for example, Samsung, Asus, etc
Value for a particular subscriber can be found in subscriber details on the (opens in a new tab).


Device model, for example, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s (GSM+CDMA), LG-D855.
Value for a particular subscriber can be found in subscriber details on the (opens in a new tab).
List of iOS models

applicationVersionstringApplication version.
pushRegistrationEnabledbooleanIs the device allowed to receive push notifications? Set to 'true' to only target users who have push registration enabled. For more details refer to the following SDK wikis:
notificationsEnabledbooleanSet to true to only target devices where notifications for the mobile application are turned on by the user.
geofencingEnabledbooleanIs Geofencing SDK set and tracking locations allowed by the user.
deviceSecurebooleanIs Touch-Id or passcode set for the device?

The following destination address types are not available by default. They should be defined by User Data in SDK.

externalUserIdstringExternal user ID set in User Profile. Learn more about external user id in the following SDK documentation:
phoneNumberstringMSISDN in international format (Example: 41793026727).
emailstringEmail of the user if it is provided in User Profile.
{custom field}stringAny field from installation custom attribute parameters. Learn more about custom attributes in the following SDK documentation:

You can use a single address type or even combine two or more to achieve the desired user segmentation. Use the API request example above and replace only the “to” field with one of the examples below to take advantage of various segmentation options.

Single Recipient Destination Address Type

Use this method to target the recipient’s device associated with the single Push registration ID.

    "to": {
        "pushRegistrationId": "69827EDB-A806-4AF6-A7F6-98298EAA4F14"

With this type of targeting, you can achieve the following:

  • target all iOS or Android devices
  • target a particular device
  • target all devices of a particular external user id
  • target all devices linked to a phone number
  • target all devices linked to an email
  • target all devices associated with any custom data parameter like tag, subscription or other

In the following example, we are targeting all iOS devices.

    "to": {
        "platform": "iOS"

With this example, all devices that have been associated with the phone number 41793026727 will be targeted.

    "to": {
        "phoneNumber": "41793026727"

To send a single Push notification to one or multiple recipients, use this method. (opens in a new tab)

Multiple Recipient Destinations of the Single Address Type (IN)

Combining two or more different parameters of the same destination address type can be done as shown in the example below. In this example, the message will be delivered to both iOS and Android users.

     "to": {
        "platform": ["iOS", "Android"]

By using this method you can target all of the user devices according to email address.

     "to": {
        "email": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

Multiple Destination Address Types (AND)

You can use this method to target a recipient segment by using two or more different address type filters. The message will be delivered only to those recipients who satisfy all filter conditions. In other words, if the recipient’s device matches address type 1 AND address type 2, the message will be sent.

In the following example, all iOS devices of the recipient with a specific external ID will be targeted.

    "to": {
        "platform": "iOS",
        "externalUserId": "customer_21234"

Multiple Destination Address Types (OR)

In some cases, you may want to segment your recipients by including different filters over multiple destination address types. By using this method, the recipient will receive the message if he satisfies at least one condition. In other words, if the recipient matches address type 1 OR address type 2, a message will be sent.

In the following example, recipients whose favorite pizza is Capricciosa or whose favorite pasta is Napolitana will be targeted.

    "to": {
        "$or": [
            {"FavoritePizza": "Capricciosa"},
            {"FavoritePasta": "Napolitana"}

Advanced Targeting Example

The combination of different targeting methods is also supported.

In the following example, we are targeting Android devices of the recipients who have a specific user ID or at least one of the listed emails.

    "to": {
        "$or": [
            {"externalUserId": "my-ext_id-1"},
            {"email": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]}
        "platform": "Android"

Get Stats over API

Use the bulk push message statistics method (opens in a new tab) to retrieve statistics for sent bulk push messages.


To get a detailed delivery report for each message sent in your bulk request, refer to the Push sent message reports (opens in a new tab) on the Infobip API Developer Hub.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description 
bulkIdstringThe ID that uniquely identifies the sent request.

Response format

Parameter Type Description 
totalSentintTotal number of sent messages.
deliveredintTotal number of delivered messages.
seenintTotal number of seen messages.
errorserrorMessages not delivered to users.
deliverydeliveryDelivery information about the bulk sending of messages.


Parameter Type Description 
registrationintMessages not delivered due to errors with non-valid registrations due to user uninstalling the app.
expiredintMessages undelivered due to expired validity period. Indicates users who have disabled notifications on a specific Push application.
cloudintMessages not delivered due to errors on APNS or FCM clouds. Happens due to transient errors on cloud services.


Parameter Type Description 
ratedoubleDelivery rate. The ratio between total delivered and total sent messages in a specific bulk sending process.

Send Push over OMNI API

The OMNI API enables automatic fallback to another channel according to the defined order.

To send push with OMNI API you need to:

  • Create an OMNI scenario
  • Send a message with OMNI scenario
  • Get delivery reports (optional)

Create OMNI Scenario

To create an OMNI scenario, you need to define the OMNI steps which will be sequentially executed.

To send push notifications with the scenario, you should use push (“channel”: “PUSH”) and APPLICATION CODE as the sender (“from”: “APPLICATION CODE”) generated during the setup of the mobile application.

Find more information on how to create the OMNI scenario in the Create Mobile Application Profile article in the Documentation Hub. Refer to the Infobip API Developer Hub for more information on how to create an OMNI scenario (opens in a new tab).

Most common OMNI scenario is push with SMS as a fallback channel. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create such a scenario.

      "name" : "push + SMS scenario",
      "flow": [
          "from": "APPLICATION CODE",
          "channel": "PUSH"
          "from": "YOUR_REGISTERED_SMS_SENDER",
          "channel": "SMS"
      "default": true

Send Messages With OMNI Scenario

Once you've created the OMNI scenario (identified by the key parameter), you can send your OMNI messages through defined communication channels.


To be able to send push messages using Infobip web interface, you need to have at least one mobile application profile registered on the platform. Refer to the Create Mobile Application Profile for detailed instructions.

If you want to send one or multiple messages to different channels, you need to use the advanced OMNI message method (opens in a new tab).

You can use different options for processing push notifications when you receive them.

NameRequired Default valueTypeDescription
vibrationEnabledNotruebooleanNotification vibration (Android only).
soundEnabledNotruebooleanThe sound when notification arrives on a device.
soundNameNo-string The name of the custom sound played when a notification arrives on a device. The file should be in the app; max 30 seconds long. The file extension is required for iOS and optional for Android. For custom sound to be played soundEnabled shouldn’t be false (e.g., notification_sound.wav). Check Android and iOS usage details.
badgeNo integerBadge counter (iOS only).
contentUrl No stringURL of the image displayed in the notification. Rich push notifications are available on devices with iOS 10 and Android 4.1.+. Supported on iOS since Mobile SDK version 2.5.8. Supported on Android since Mobile SDK version 1.6.4.
categoryNo stringCategory id for actionable notification. Supported on Android since Mobile SDK version 1.6.16. Supported on iOS since Mobile SDK version 2.6.9. Predefined category ids: mm_accept_decline - Accept & Decline button actions.
inAppStyleNo stringPossible values: MODALBANNER. Set to MODAL to use in app dialog for actionable messages, or BANNER to show a standard banner view. MODAL is supported on iOS from 3.6.0, on Android from 1.13.0, on Cordova from 0.7.0, and React Native from 1.0.0BANNER is supported from iOS 5.0.0, Android 2.0.0, Cordova 1.0.0, and React Native 1.0.0.
isSilent No boolean Set to true to send a silent push message. Such messages aren’t displayed on the device lock screen and in the notification center. Silent messages can be used to deliver custom data to your mobile application or to trigger an in-app notification.
title NoApplication name set within mobile projectstringNotification title displayed within notification. Requires iOS 10+ or Android 4.1+ (may depend on Android custom firmware)
webViewUrlNo stringURL to open external web page within the mobile app (web view).
inboxTopicNo stringA case sensitive topic name to save a message to an inbox. If the topic name does not exist for a specified account, message sending will be rejected.

The code snippet demonstrates how to send a push notification with options with OMNI API.

      "scenarioKey": "key",
      "destinations": [
          "to": {
            "phoneNumber": "phone number"
      "push": {
        "text": "This PUSH message will pop up on your mobile device.",
        "customPayload": {
          "contentUrl": "",
          "deepLink": "myApp://some/link"
        "notificationOptions": {
          "vibrationEnabled": true,
          "soundEnabled": true,
          "soundName": "sound.wav",
          "badge": 1,
          "contentUrl": "",
          "category": "mm_accept_decline",
          "inAppStyle": "MODAL",
          "title": "This is some title"
        "targetOnlyPrimaryDevices": true,
        "includeNotificationsDisabledDevices": true
      "sms": {
        "text": "This is the SMS failover message"

Get Delivery Report

You can check the status of messages sent and get delivery reports with the OMNI reports (opens in a new tab) method.

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