Mobile Push and In-App Messages
Demo app guide

Demo App Guide

This is a step-by-step guide for testing a Demo Application with the Infobip platform to allow you to test Mobile SDK functionality without integrating the SDK into a live mobile app. It includes instructions for using the web interface, a detailed explanation of mobile audience profiling, tracking events, push notifications, and much more.

App Download

The following section assumes that you have not already created a demo app. If you have already created a demo app then you will be passed straight to the mobile app dashboard after step 1. The mobile app dashboard will show the demo application and other applications that you have created for your account.

  1. Log in to the web interface (opens in a new tab)using your credentials. Navigate to Channels and Numbers> Mobile Applications.

  2. Under the Profiles tab click GET STARTED on the Try Demo App widget. Mobile App Messaging -Profiles - try demo app - get started

  3. Enter recipients to send out invitations to join the Demo app. Once you receive the invite, open the invitation on a mobile phone and download the Infobip Push app. Try demo app mobile app messaging - send invites

App Launch

After successfully downloading the Infobip Push app, several notifications might be displayed depending on the iOS version.


The examples in this guide are shown on an iOS device. Notifications may appear differently on Android devices.

End users may set their preferences for iOS device alerts regarding location access and sending of notifications like in the images below. If the end user allows access to their location, the geofencing feature will be activated and shown in the web interface. If not, the geofencing feature for this particular device will be not possible.

The example below shows the first screen that appears after the app is launched. To understand how People works, skip this step to continue without saving this information.

user data - demo app mobile launch

For demonstration purposes, click Allow for both location sharing and receiving notifications.


To see how this device looks like in People feature, navigate to People.

People - mobile app messagings

Click on list view to see the new person that has registered.

If the user didn't enter the first and last name in the User Data section, as shown in the example above, they will be listed as No name in the People feature. When you click on the newly created profile, you will be able to see detailed information about the person and their device.

Once the app is launched for the first time (Mobile SDK initialized), an ID number will be automatically assigned to that device, like the one in the example above. This number is referred to as the pushRegistrationId, which is assigned to that specific app instance and on that specific device. This ID is created by the Infobip platform the first time the app is launched on that device. It is valid until the app has been uninstalled from the same device.

Since the Infobip platform tracks if the app has been uninstalled, you can gain insight as to whether you need to engage users over other channels—for example, email or SMS—or if you should try to get the users back to the app by sending them a new invitation for download.

System Data

The only available data about this particular person is at the device level—including information about the device, the iOS version, and features that are enabled.

Note that geofencing is enabled since we allowed location access in step 1.


For now, fields remain empty under the Attributes, Tags, and Events tab.

Data Profiling

Personalized push notifications are messages that rely on key user attributes and behavioral insight. Using the user’s name and sending relevant notifications, rather than predefined messages, will improve the overall user experience.

To do this, go to the Infobip Push app and select Settings → User Data.

User data profiling

If the user enters personal data like their first name, last name, or gender, that data will be synced to the People Module. These attributes are called ˝standard attributes˝ and can be useful when you are personalizing push notifications. Additionally, segmentation rules can be created based on user’s information, like gender or age, which will help you target specific groups.

Although ˝standard attributes˝ can make the user experience better, it’s important to have ˝key identifiers˝ which are the user’s MSISDN, email, and externalUserId. Without at least one key identifier, Infobip platform cannot connect multiple devices to one person.

Connecting multiple devices to one person is ideal for omnichannel communication because the user is then reachable through other channels like SMS or email, so you can ensure your customers receive notifications wherever they are.

User properties

Further, if the user enters the same key identifier(s) on another device, that device will become part of their profile. A pushRegistrationId is also created for this second device once the app is used for the first time on that device. The pushRegistrationId stays the same during the app lifecycle on that device - from the first time they install and use the app until they uninstall it. The image below shows how each device has its own pushRegistrationId although they both belong to the same user.

User and phone properties


Once the user installs the app on another device, they expect to have their data, like subscriptions to specific topics, synced. This kind of information is shared across all the devices and can be found in the People Module under Custom Attributes. In the example below, you can see that Standard Data and Custom Attributes are shared on two devices.

User data

On the other hand, Installation Custom Attributes are not shared among devices. This means you would only be able to reach the app installed on one specific device. This feature can be used for delivering sensitive data, like one-time PINs.

User data oneTimePass

Events Tracking

Events are used to track user activities inside or outside the mobile app and can also be used to trigger timely communication with the mobile app user. You can use demo application to recreate the real app behavior and trigger standard and custom events.

To track events in the demo application, make sure you have defined the event.

Define a new Event

To enable the events tracking functionality, please contact your dedicated Account Manager.

Send Events With Demo Application

  1. Go to the Infobip Push app, navigate to SettingsUser Data, and tap Send custom behavioural event.
  2. Add event Definition ID.
  3. Add the event properties. Make sure that the same datatype is used as specified in the event definition.
  4. Tap Send to send a custom event to the Infobip platform.
Send Even as a Push notification

If the event details were provided correctly, then the event will be submitted to the Infobip platform.

Mobile app messaging - custom app demo application with custom events

If the event details were not properly configured, an error message will appear.

If not configured properly, an error message will appear

You can also use the demo application to test different events and event-triggered scenarios before implementing it in your production application.

Send Push Notifications

After everything is set up, you are ready to send Push notifications. You can send Push using Broadcastand Flow. To make sure you are targeting the right audience, we recommend creating Segments in the People, for example, "giftCard". This way, you will target only end users eligible for a gift card. You always want to make your messages count. Read more on creating Segments within People in the Target module.

Send Push over Broadcast

There are several steps you have to do when sending Push messages over Broadcast:

  • Choose Push as the communication channel.
  • Define who you are communicating with – You can select recipients from People, use tags, or pre-defined segments.
  • Define the Sender and which application will be used.
  • Create the title of your notification (up to 20 characters).
  • Create notification content.
  • Personalize messages using placeholders, such as first name, location, etc.

Read more in the Send MAM over Broadcast article.

Send Push over Flow

When sending Push notifications over Flow, you can use:

  • Failover - this allows you to define a second channel where the message will be delivered if the Push notification does not reach its destination.
  • Geofencing - this allows you to target only end users that are present on the defined location, e.g., in the shopping mall where your store is located.


After you send your first push notification, you will receive a message on your mobile device. Mobile SDK will automatically process a delivery report and the seen status if you tapped the received message.

Search for your created communication and click on it to receive the detailed report.

The example below shows one valid recipient (one person in the People Module) with two registered devices (two messages delivered and sent). The seen rate is 50%, meaning the message was opened only one of the two devices.

Delivered broadcast communication

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