Advanced analytics
Predefined dashboards

Predefined dashboards

The dashboards below showcase the most common metrics that are considered industry standards. These analytics help supervisors and analytics managers make data-driven decisions while handling their day-to-day challenges in the contact center.

You can also create Custom dashboards, which we cover further in the documentation.


The filtering options always stay visible as you scroll down or up any of the analytics tabs. Make sure to glance at them to confirm that you have selected the desired options.


The most important KPIs and performance metrics of your helpdesk are shown here. Supervisors and Conversations Analytics Managers can get a glance into what is going on with their contact center for the selected period.

You can filter this overview by several parameters:

  1. Date range (choose between daily - 7 days is the least you can filter by, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or even all-time analytics)
  2. Channel Name (choose if you want all channels or select the specific ones)
  3. Conversation Queue (choose which queue you want to see analytics for, or select all)
  4. Conversation Tag (filter per specific conversation tags)
  5. Conversation Form (see how conversations are performing per specific forms your agents are using)

Use this section to analyze each insight or navigate to other dashboards and get to the root of the current issues in your contact center.

Conversations - Analytics overview

Contact Center Overview

A high-level overview of the most important indicators of your contact center. Here you have an insight into the number of created vs. solved conversations as well as how they are doing compared to the previous period.

Also, this overview provides you with one of the most important metrics - Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).

Another interesting overview is that you can see the work distribution per channel category (the number of conversations created per category). You can further explore each of these channel categories to see more details.

Conversations - Analytics contact center overview

Agent's utilization

Track how much time your agents spend in the system and what they are doing. This section shows how productive agents are on a daily basis by comparing the time spent in a status with the level of engagement.

The metric on the left shows the percentage of time agents spend as Available or Busy out of total logged-in time. The metric on the right shows the ratio of logged-in time agents spent being productive (Available and Busy) versus time spent in an Away status.

You can further expand on both of these and go into detail.

Conversations - Analytics overview agent utilization


A customer satisfaction score is considered to be the most important indicator of the success of a helpdesk. Combined with the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) numbers, this section provides a powerful insight into the success of your helpdesk.

The first metric shows the number of SLA breaches versus the previous period you have selected.

In the middle, you can see the median sentiment score of all conversations. The sentiment is basically how the system interprets conversations between agents and customers and how the customers are feeling based on what they are communicating to the agents. Sentiment analysis uses machine learning to come up with the score of the conversation.

The metric on the right shows the customer satisfaction percentage of positive survey responses.

Conversations - Analytics CSAT and SLA overview

Most Popular Tags

Conversations tags are added to conversations automatically, or agents add them manually. Tags tell you why a conversation was created or why the customer is contacting you. The frequency of a certain tag can provide insight into a product or service and help you decide if you need to make any changes in your contact center.

Use the three-dot button to further expand on the details and performance of each tag.

Conversations - Analytics most popular tags


The Channels analytics tab provides a full insight into the call center metrics for different channels in use. In this tab, supervisors and Conversations analytics managers can get a detailed insight into how efficient their agents are in call centers.

With this option, you have:

  • Insight into the operational performance of queues, agents, and channels
  • Reports of every conversation
  • Possibility to evaluate and improve the overall customer experience
  • Option to meet stated operational and strategic goals
  • Identification of issues in operational processes and flows

The Channels tab consists of the following options:

  • Messaging Apps
  • Inbound Calls
  • Outbound Calls

Messaging Apps

Whether you want to see the metrics for Live Chat, Email, or some other available messaging channel, the Messaging Apps report provides insight into metrics of user engagement, interactions, and activity within messaging applications.


Shows a brief overview of the following crucial conversation metrics:

  • Created Conversations are all conversations created in the selected time range.
  • Solved Conversations is the number of all solved or closed conversations in the selected time range.
  • SLA Achievement Rate is the percentage of conversations that fulfilled the service-level agreement.
  • CSAT is the percentage of positive survey responses.
  • Created and Solved Conversations graph displays the ratio between created and solved conversations in a day.
Advanced analytics - Messaging apps overview


This metric is used to evaluate the efficiency and quality of communication and customer service within a channel.

  • Average First Response Time measures the time from the moment a conversation is created until the first outbound message is sent.
  • Average First Response Time vs. CSAT graph shows the percentage of average first response time compared to the CSAT responses.
  • Average First Response Time vs. Sentiment graph shows the percentage of average first response time compared to the sentiment score.
  • Sentiment displays the median sentiment score.
Advanced analytics - Messaging apps responsiveness


The Performance metric provides different insights to assess the channel's efficiency:

  • Average Resolution Time calculates the time starting from the beginning of a conversation until its status is updated to either Solved or Closed.
  • Average Customer's Messages is the average number of customer messages per conversation.
  • Average Agent's Messages is the average number of agent messages per conversation.
  • Customer's Messages by Conversations - Total vs. Average graph shows the total number as opposed to the average number of customer messages per conversation.
  • Agent's Messages by Conversations - Total vs. Average graph shows the total number as opposed to the average number of agent's messages per conversation.
Advanced analytics - Messaging apps performance

Conversations Details

The Conversations Details part is a compilation of filtered conversations containing crucial details, essentially presenting a list of conversations that align with your search parameters.

By selecting any of the Conversation IDs, you can navigate directly to the corresponding conversation within the All Work panel.

Advanced analytics - Messaging apps conversation details

The Calls channel has proven to be the most effective way to convey complex topics, and it remains the preferred mode of interaction for a majority of our customers. This emphasizes the importance of acquiring full insights into their experiences. To facilitate this, we provide a dashboard equipped with a range of metrics.

This dashboard encompasses a collection of essential indicators that enable us to not only evaluate customer satisfaction but also enhance operational efficiency within our call center.


After the official release, you will have access to all the data. However, we can assure the accuracy of information only for data after the official release date (August 30, 2023). Any data preceding this date may potentially exhibit some inconsistencies.

Inbound Calls

Inbound calls are essential in raising customer satisfaction and establishing long-lasting connections, whether they be handling consumer inquiries, processing orders, resolving complaints, or providing support.

The Inbound Calls section encompasses a variety of metrics, offering a comprehensive understanding of your call center's performance.

Inbound Calls Summary

The Inbound Calls Summary report provides a high-level view of all inbound calls. It is created to provide you with a concise overview of essential metrics, enabling you to quickly assess the status of inbound calls.

  • Service Level is the percentage of conversations that fulfilled the service-level agreement using the Calls channel. It represents the percentage of calls that are answered within a specified time frame, usually as per a predefined service-level agreement (SLA).
  • Queue Abandon Rate is the percentage of abandoned calls in a queue.
  • Average Wait Time is the average time between when a call is offered to a call center and when it is answered by an agent. A lower average wait time indicates that callers experience shorter wait times, while a higher average wait time may suggest that the call center needs to improve some aspects to reduce waiting times.
  • Average Handle Time is the average time an agent spends handling a call, which includes the time spent on the call with the customer, any hold time, and wrap-up time. This is a critical metric for call centers as it measures the overall efficiency of the agents in dealing with customer inquiries.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls summary


The Calls report provides insight into the key call metrics that help you monitor your call center performance, make data-driven decisions to improve customer service, and enhance overall call center operations. The reports consist of different metrics related to specific call activities.

  • Created Calls metric shows the number of calls that reached the platform.
  • Offered Calls is the number of calls that entered the call center routing strategy.
  • Answered Calls is the number of calls that were answered by a call center agent.
  • Missed Calls metric is the total number of calls that were received but were not answered by an agent (the call was terminated). The reasons can be various: the waiting strategy time limit was reached, no agent answered, etc.
  • Dropped Calls (before answer) and Dropped Calls (after answer) metric shows the prematurely disconnected or terminated before reaching a satisfactory conclusion or resolution, whether they are dropped before or after the answer. Dropped calls can be caused by various factors, including:
    • Network issues
    • Technical problems
    • Call handovers
    • Call quality
    • Battery or device issues
  • Ignored Calls metric is the number of calls where the agent declined a call or the ring time period expired on the agent's side (the call is not terminated, but forwarded to the next available agent).
  • Calls Rang to Agent metric tracks the total number of calls that are routed to the available agents or representatives for answering within a given period of time. This metric provides valuable insights into the volume of incoming calls and the workload faced by the call center agents.

Besides this, you can see the following charts and graphs comparing metrics between different data, where the information is presented in a visually appealing and more understandable manner:

  • Calls SLA is the metric that shows the number of conversations that fulfilled service-level agreement versus breached service-level agreement over a selected date range when using Calls as a channel.
  • Offered vs. Answered Calls chart shows the number of calls that entered the call center routing strategy versus the number of calls that were answered by an agent over a selected date range.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls calls

Media Type

The Media Type report tracks various types of communication channels used by customers to interact with the call center. Customer interactions can occur through a variety of communication channels, such as phone calls, emails, chats, social media messages, and more. The following data is available in this metric type:

  • PSTN vs. WebRTC graph shows the percentage of PSTN calls in comparison to WebRTC calls.
  • PSTN vs. WebRTC Trend chart shows the percentage of PSTN calls in comparison to WebRTC calls over a selected date range.
  • WebRTC Audio vs. Video Trend chart displays the number of WebRTC audio calls compared to video calls over a selected date range.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls media type


The Performance report contains comprehensive insights into the call center's operations, agent performance, and overall call quality. This report contains two main components:

  • Average Times
  • Total Times

Average Times

  • Average Wait Time is the average time between the call's offering and acceptance.
  • Average Talk Time measures the average duration of time agents spend actively talking to customers during a call until the call is disconnected (excluding hold time).
  • Average Wrap Up Time is the metric that measures the average duration agents spend in a wrap-up state after the completion of a call. This includes tasks like entering call notes, updating customer records, completing surveys, or preparing for the next interaction.
  • Average Handle Time is the average duration of each call, including talk time, hold time, and wrap-up time.
  • Average Call Center Resolution Time is the average time elapsed from when a conversation was opened to the time the conversation was solved.

Total Times

  • Total Wait Time is the total time between the call's offering and acceptance.
  • Total Talk Time measures the total duration of time agents spend actively talking to customers during a call until the call is disconnected (excluding hold time).
  • Total Wrap Up Time is the metric that measures the total duration agents spend in a wrap-up state after the completion of a call. This includes tasks like entering call notes, updating customer records, completing surveys, or preparing for the next interaction.
  • Total Handle Time is the total duration of each call, including talk time, hold time and wrap-up time.
  • Total Call Center Resolution Time is the total time elapsed from when a conversation was opened to the time the conversation was solved.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls performance


The Abandons report provides insights and data related to abandoned calls. Abandoned calls occur when callers disconnect or hang up before reaching an agent.

  • Queue Short Abandon measures the number of calls disconnected in less than 7 seconds.
  • Queue Abandon is the number of calls disconnected at any point before being connected to an agent, excluding calls from queue short abandon.
  • Queue Abandon Rate is the percentage of calls abandoned in a queue, excluding calls from queue short abandon.
  • Average Queue Abandon Time is the average time duration from the point the call was offered to the point when the call was abandoned.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls abandons


The Holds report contains valuable insights and data related to the time callers spend waiting on hold before connecting with a call center agent.

  • Average Hold Time is the average duration callers spend waiting on hold before speaking with an agent.
  • Hold per Call measures the average time callers spend on hold during a single call.
  • Hold Rate is a graphical representation of the trend in hold times over time that helps in identifying peak hours or periods of higher call volumes leading to longer hold times.
Advanced analytics - Inbound calls hold

Call Transfers

The Call Transfers report consists of data related to the number and type of call transfers within the call center. Call transfers occur when a call is transferred from one agent or department to another to address the caller's specific needs.

  • Transferred Calls metric refers to the number of calls that are initially answered by one agent or department and then transferred to another agent or department to address the customer's inquiry or concern.
  • Answered Calls metric tracks the number of transferred calls that are successfully answered by the receiving agent or department.
  • Missed Calls metric is a call center performance indicator that measures the number of transferred calls that were not successfully answered by the receiving agent or department and went unanswered or were abandoned by the caller.
  • Dropped Calls (before answer) metric measures the number of transferred calls that are disconnected or abandoned by callers before they are answered by the receiving agent or department.
  • Dropped Calls (after answer) metric measures the number of calls that are dropped or disconnected by callers after being successfully answered by the receiving agent or department following a transfer.
  • Calls Rang to Agent refers to the number of calls that were transferred to a specific agent or department within a call center and were available for that agent or department to answer.
  • Ignored Calls is the number of calls that were transferred to a specific agent or department within a call center but were not answered by the designated agent or department and were effectively ignored.
  • Transfer Rate is the percentage of calls that resulted in transfers.
  • Transfers by Type metric contains the number of transfers per the following types over a selected date range:
    • Transfer to agent
    • Transfer to external number
    • Transfer to queue
Advanced Analytics - Inbound calls call transfers

Topic Breakdown

Breaking down topics in call centers involves categorizing various subjects, issues, and questions that customers might bring up during their interactions with agents. This report provides you insights into the top tags used during conversations and whether the transfer type was by topic or queue.

  • Top 10 Topics by Number of Conversations refers to the most prominent and frequently encountered topics that customers inquire about or discuss when interacting with your call center.
  • Transfer Types by Topic metric refers to categorizing and analyzing the different topics for which customer calls are transferred to specialized agents or departments within a call center.
  • Transfer Types by Queue metric shows the number of call transfer types that occur within different queues or departments of a call center.
Advanced Analytics - Inbound calls topic breakdown


The Callback report measures the effectiveness and efficiency of a call center's callback service. In a callback system, instead of waiting on hold during peak call times, customers can choose to leave their contact information and request a callback from an agent when it is their turn in the queue.

  • Callback Success Rate metric is the percentage of scheduled callbacks that are successfully completed by agents.
  • Success vs Unsuccess Callbacks chart shows the outcome of callback requests made by customers in a call center environment.
  • Callbacks over Time metric displays the number of successful or unsuccessful callbacks over a selected date range.
Advanced Analytics - Inbound calls call callbacks

Outbound Calls

Outbound calls are essential in handling consumer inquiries, processing orders, resolving complaints, or providing support, where agents proactively reach out to customers for various purposes.

The Outbound Calls section encompasses a variety of metrics, offering a comprehensive understanding of your call center's performance.

Outbound Calls Summary

The Outbound Calls Summary report provides a high-level view of all outbound calls. It is created to provide you with a concise overview of essential metrics, enabling you to quickly assess the status of outbound calls.

  • Average Handle Time is the average time an agent spends handling a call, which includes the time spent on the call with the customer, any hold time, and wrap-up time. This is a critical metric for call centers as it measures the overall efficiency of the agents in dealing with customer inquiries.
  • Answer Rate shows the percentage of successfully answered calls.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls summary


The Calls report provides insight into the key outbound call metrics that help you monitor your call center performance, make data-driven decisions to improve customer service and enhance overall call center operations. The reports consist of different metrics related to specific outbound call activities.

  • Average Calls per Agent is the number of calls handled by each agent on average during a specified time period. This metric provides insights into agent efficiency, staffing requirements, and overall call center performance.
  • Created Calls metric shows the number of calls that were initialized from the platform.
  • Answered Calls is the number of calls that were answered by a customer (end user).
  • **Dropped Calls (before answer)**and Dropped Calls (after answer) metric shows the prematurely disconnected or terminated before reaching a satisfactory conclusion or resolution, whether they are dropped before or after the answer. Dropped calls can be caused by various factors, including:
    • Network issues
    • Technical problems
    • Call handovers
    • Call quality
    • Battery or device issues
  • Calls over Time metric tracks the number of outgoing calls made by call center agents or representatives to customers or clients within specific time intervals.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls calls

Media Type

The Media Type report tracks various types of communication channels used by customers to interact with the call center. Customer interactions can occur through a variety of communication channels, such as phone calls, emails, chats, social media messages, and more. The following data is available in this metric type:

  • PSTN vs. WebRTC chart shows the percentage of PSTN calls in comparison to WebRTC calls.
  • PSTN vs. WebRTC Trend graph shows the percentage of PSTN calls in comparison to WebRTC calls over a selected date range.
  • WebRTC Audio vs. Video Trend graph displays the number of WebRTC audio calls compared to video calls over a selected date range.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls media type


The Performance report contains comprehensive insights into the call center's operations, agent performance, and overall call quality. This report contains two main components:

  • Average Times
  • Total Times

Average Times

  • Average Dial Time metric that represents the average amount of time agents or representatives spend dialing before a call is connected to a live person on the other end.
  • Average Talk Time measures the average duration of time agents spend actively talking to customers during a call until the call is disconnected (excluding hold time).
  • Average Wrap-up Time is the metric that measures the average duration agents spend in a wrap-up state after the completion of a call. This includes tasks like entering call notes, updating customer records, completing surveys, or preparing for the next interaction.
  • Average Handle Time is the average duration of each call, including talk time, hold time, and wrap-up time.
  • Average Call Center Resolution Time is the average time elapsed from when a conversation was opened to the time the conversation was solved.

Total Times

  • Total Dial Time metric that measures the combined duration of time spent by agents or representatives making outbound calls, including both the time spent dialing and the time they spend on calls with live individuals (once connected).
  • Total Talk Time measures the total duration of time agents spend actively talking to customers during a call until the call is disconnected (excluding hold time).
  • Total Wrap Up Time is the metric that measures the total duration agents spend in a wrap-up state after the completion of a call. This includes tasks like entering call notes, updating customer records, completing surveys, or preparing for the next interaction.
  • Total Handle Time is the total duration of each call, including talk time, hold time and wrap-up time.
  • Total Call Center Resolution Time is the total time elapsed from when a conversation was opened to the time the conversation was solved.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls performance


The Abandons report provides insights and data related to abandoned calls. Abandoned calls occur when callers disconnect or hang up before reaching an agent.

  • Outbound Abandons is the number of calls that were disconnected at any point before being connected to the customer (end user).
  • Outbound Abandons Rate is the percentage of calls that were abandoned.
  • Abandons vs. Abandon Rate graph shows the number of outbound abandons in comparison to the abandon rate over a selected date range.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls abandons


The Holds report contains valuable insights and data related to the time agents spend waiting on hold before connecting with a customer (end user).

  • Average Hold Time is the average duration callers spend waiting on hold.
  • Hold per Call measures the average time callers spend on hold during a single call.
  • Hold Rate is a graphical representation of the trend in hold times over time that helps in identifying peak hours or periods of higher call volumes leading to longer hold times.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls holds

Call Transfers

The Call Transfers report consists of data related to the number and type of call transfers within the call center. Call transfers occur when a call is transferred from one agent or department to another to address the caller's specific needs.

  • Transferred Calls metric refers to the number of calls that are initially answered by one agent or department and then transferred to another agent or department to address the customer's inquiry or concern.
  • Answered Calls metric tracks the number of transferred calls that are successfully answered.
  • Missed Calls metric is a call center performance indicator that measures the number of transferred calls that were not successfully answered by the receiving agent or department and went unanswered or were abandoned by the caller.
  • Dropped Calls (before answer) metric measures the number of transferred calls that are disconnected or abandoned by callers before they are answered by the receiving agent or department.
  • Dropped Calls (after answer) metric measures the number of calls that are dropped or disconnected by callers after being successfully answered by the receiving agent or department following a transfer.
  • Calls Rang to Agent refers to the number of calls that were transferred to a specific agent or department within a call center and were available for that agent or department to answer.
  • Ignored Calls is the number of calls that were transferred to a specific agent or department within a call center but were not answered by the designated agent or department and were effectively ignored.
  • Transfer Rate is the percentage of calls that resulted in transfers.
  • Successful Transfers shows the percentage of calls that were transferred successfully.
  • Transfers by Type chart contains the number of transfers per the following types over a selected date range:
    • Transfer to agent
    • Transfer to external number
    • Transfer to queue
  • Transfer Rate is the percentage of calls that resulted in transfers.
  • Transfers by Type is the number of calls transferred over a selected date range.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls call transfers

Topic Breakdown

Breaking down topics in call centers involves categorizing various subjects, issues, and questions that customers might bring up during their interactions with agents. This report provides you insights into the top tags used during conversations and whether the transfer type was by topic or queue.

  • Top 10 Topics by Number of Conversations refers to the most prominent and frequently encountered topics that customers inquire about or discuss when interacting with your call center.
  • Transfer Type by Topic metric refers to categorizing and analyzing the different topics for which customer calls are transferred to specialized agents or departments within a call center.
  • Transfer Type by Queue metric shows the number of call transfer types that occur within different queues or departments of a call center.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls topic breakdown


The Callback report measures the effectiveness and efficiency of a call center's callback service. In a callback system, instead of waiting on hold during peak call times, customers can choose to leave their contact information and request a callback from an agent when it is their turn in the queue.

  • Callback Success Rate metric is the percentage of callback requests that were handled successfully (the call was established between the agent and end user).
  • Success vs Unsuccess Callbacks is a call center metric that pertains to the outcome of callback attempts made by agents when they are reaching out to customers or clients.
  • Callbacks over Time metric displays the number of successful or unsuccessful callbacks over a selected date range.
Advanced Analytics - Outbound calls callbacks


The Agents analytics tab is the central place to check the performance of all your agents, the number of conversations they are handling, the number of customers they are serving, their responsiveness, and utilization.

Conversations - Analytics agents

You can filter the data based on your desired criteria:

  • Date range
  • Agent Info
  • Channel Name
  • Conversation Queue
  • Conversations Tag


Shows a brief overview of the crucial metrics for the agents and their performance.

Here you can see the number of agents actively working on conversations based on your filter criteria. Also, you can see the number of offered, solved, and unhandled conversations, as well as the CSAT.

Agents overview

Shows a list of agents who are actively working on conversations (based on your search criteria). You can further expand on this or export the list by clicking on the three-dot button on the far right side.

Here you can see the number of conversations (offered, solved, unhandled), the number of customers served, the average first response time and average resolution time, plus the CSAT.


This section provides info about how responsive your agents are, how fast and efficient they are in resolving incoming inquiries, as well as the top and bottom-performing agents.

Conversations - Analytics responsiveness

Looking from left to right, the very first insight shows the average first response time. This time is measured from the time a conversation is created until the time an agent sends the first message.

The third insight here shows the average resolution time. This time is measured from the start of a conversation until its status is changed to Solved or Closed.

The fourth insight here shows the average number of customer messages per single conversation, while the fifth insight displays the number of agent messages per single conversation.

The last insight displays the average number of messages exchanged between agents and customers.

Below these, you will find an insight that shows a few metrics performing per channel:

  • 1st Response Time
  • Agent 1st Response Time
  • Average Resolution Time
  • Number of Messages
Analytics - Overview split by channels

The first response time counts the whole time from the creation of the conversation until the agent has replied.

Example: A new conversation was created on 2022/10/24 at 07:32:20, and the agent replied on 2022/10/24 at 15:27:20. The first response time here is 07h 55m.

The next two insights represent the top and bottom-performing agents based on these metrics:

  • Agent 1st Response Time
  • Resolution time
  • CSAT
  • Percentage of conversations with 1 message

Here you can determine if you need to talk to any of your agents regarding their performance as these metrics will show the true state of your entire agent workforce.

Analytics - Top and bottom agents


Analyze your agents' efforts based on the incoming workload.

In this section, you can see the number of offered, answered, solved, and unhandled conversations based on the selected time period.

Furthermore, you can drill down to effort trends and see a comparison graph between:

  • Assigned vs. Answered Conversations
  • Answered vs. Solved
  • Solved vs. Unhandled

The last insight under efforts gives you an overview of top and bottom-performing agents per any one of these criteria:

  • Assigned Conversations
  • Answered Conversations
  • Solved Conversations
  • Unhandled Conversations
Analytics - Agent effort


These analytics provide insight into how much time your agents spend in the system and what they are doing. Check out how productive your agents are on a daily basis by comparing time spent in a particular status with the level of engagement.

The Status Group Distribution insight showcases the percentage of their time spent per status group. You can click on any of the groups to view details.
The Status Detail Distribution goes further into detail and displays the percentage your agents have spent in each status.

By default, all statuses are displayed on the graph. You need to click on the status name to exclude it from the graph or click on it once again to include it.

The Status Distribution Details insight shows the total agent time spent in each status group (and in each status). To view this data per individual agent, check out the Status Distribution Details per Agent just below this one.

Average Engaged Rate is the time agents spend in status in which they actively interact with customers. These are the statuses that count toward this metric:

  • Full capacity
  • Full capacity (mobile)
  • In a call
  • Ringing
  • Under capacity
  • Under capacity (mobile)
  • Wrapping up
Conversations - Agent utilization analytics


This metric provides an overview of your agents' performance:

  • Solved Conversations shows all conversations marked as solved or closed in the selected time range and filter criteria.
  • Sentiment shows the median sentiment score in conversations handed by the selected agent(s).
  • SLA Achievement Rate outlines the percentage of conversations that fulfilled their service-level agreement.
  • CSAT displays the percentage of positive survey responses.

Dive deeper into these metrics and check out the graph below which you can use to view:

  • The number of solved conversations
  • The number of solved conversations by channel
  • Average sentiment
  • Average CSAT
  • Average CSAT by channel
Analytics - Agent performance

Conversations Details

All filtered conversations with the most important information listed. This is a list of all conversations that meet your search criteria.

Click on any of the Conversation IDs to go to that specific conversation in the All Work panel.

Analytics - Conversation details


Dive deeper into details about all conversations in your contact center.

Conversation Overview

Overview of total work, amount of work handled, and the quality of handled work:

  • Created Conversations are all conversations created in the selected time range that meet your filter criteria.
  • Closed Conversations are all conversations marked as Solved or Closed in the selected time range that meet your filter criteria.
  • CSAT is the percentage of positive survey responses.
  • Daily Activity graph displays the number of created and solved conversations for the past 30 days.
  • Daily Backlog Volume graph displays the number of tickets per day that are in the backlog. This graph updates automatically at the end of each day. Here you will see the Open, Waiting, and Solved number of tickets, and all are turned on by default. Click on any of them to exclude this data from the graph.
Analytics - Conversation overview

Tags, Queues , and Channels

Get an insight into the most frequently used tags and how queues and channels are performing. These graphs display conversations by tags, the number of conversations per queue, and the number of conversations per each channel.

The graph will display a bigger square for those items with a higher frequency of usage.

Conversations - Analytics by tags, queues and channels

Play around with the graphs and explore insights further, or export the report by clicking on the three-dot button and selecting one of the export options.

On the right side of this section, you can see more details for tags, queues, and channels.

Conversations Distribution Details

This section offers more info regarding the distribution of conversations based on important indicators such as wait time and CSAT score.

  • Conversations by Number of messages represents the number of times an agent replied in a conversation (a single touch denotes one reply from an agent).
  • CSAT Distribution displays how many conversations had a customer satisfaction survey sent.
  • Waiting time distribution shows the average waiting times for conversations per each hour of the day.
Conversations - Distribution analytics

Waiting time refers to the time that a conversation spent in the WAITING status.

Conversations Timing Distribution

Shows when most of your conversations happen. This section helps you determine the busiest days and recognize peak times. This graph shows the most popular days (in terms of the number of conversations created on that day).

Conversations - Timing distribution analytics

Below this graph, you can also check out the number of created conversations per every hour of every day of the week.

Conversations details

All filtered conversations with the most important information listed. This is a list of all conversations that meet your search criteria.

Click on any of the Conversations IDs to go to that specific conversation in the All Work panel.

Voice of the customer

All of the analytics gathered do not mean much without the user feedback and CSAT helps you obtain that feedback, and analyze it to determine if you need to make any changes in your contact center.

Besides analytics and reports that you can get from these pages, use the customer satisfaction survey to gather data directly from the users themselves. Allowing users to engage with a CSAT survey is the quickest way to find out if the service you are providing to your customers is satisfactory or if you need to work on improving it.


This section provides insights into customer satisfaction and the indicators that are affecting the CSAT result the most. Here you can see the CSAT score (based on percentage), the distribution of CSAT in conversations, and the median sentiment score.

If you wish to go into detail, check out the two graphs below the overview that showcase the CSAT about other important metrics + sentiment in relation to other important metrics.

Analytics - CSAT versus metrics analytics

CSAT Responses

The very last insight on this page shows a list of all survey responses:

  • Sent surveys shows the total number of surveys sent to the customers.
  • Answered surveys shows all responses from the customers.
  • Positive surveys shows the total number of positive responses by the customers.
  • Negative surveys shows the total number of negative responses by the customers.

Click on any of the conversation IDs to see full conversation details. Besides the conversation IDs, here you can see the agent who handled that particular conversation, the date the survey was closed, the CSAT score, and comments if there are any for that particular conversation.

Analytics - CSAT survey responses

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