Agent guide

Agent guide

Agent guide offers extensive insight into each and every option agents can set up and use to help them resolve customer inquiries faster and more efficiently. Here you will find information on how agents can use Conversations on the web iteration as well as in the mobile app.

Enable notifications in the browser

To be able to receive notifications in the Infobip web interface, you need to grant permissions for Google Chrome (applicable for Windows OS).

When prompted by Google Chrome, click on the Allow button to allow notifications. Alternatively, click on the View site information icon before the URL field and toggle On the notifications.

Conversations - Allow notifications in Google Chrome

After doing so, you can check if they are visible by navigating to the Windows Start Menu and typing in Notifications & actions. The toggle next to Google Chrome should be turned On.

Conversations agent guide - Enable notifications in Google Chrome

Even if the notifications are allowed for the web, you should also enable the following Pop-ups and redirects to receive web and system notifications all the time even if you are not on the Conversations page.

For Google Chrome, click the three dots at the top right → click Settings → Privacy and security → Site settings → Pop-ups and redirects.

Conversations - Pop-ups and redirects

For other browsers, check out the following:

You can also check if the notifications are visible in the Infobip web interface if you click on the secure connection icon located just before the URL itself.


If you have the Conversations tab or window active, then the notifications will not appear to reduce spamming you. If the tab or the window is hidden, the notifications will show up. For example, if you have the Infobip Homepage window open, the notifications will be visible.

Focus assist needs to be turned off because it will most certainly impact notifications.

Check the Automatic rules for the Focus assist option. If they are turned on, this can still cause notifications not to be shown. For example, if you are using multiple Windows screens, the ''When I'm duplicating my display'' rule should be turned off to prevent the Focus assist from turning on.

Conversations agent guide - Windows focus assist configuration

Agent guide on web

Dive into various options available to agents that they can use on the web iteration of the Conversations solution.

Important to note is that the Default queue is a system-defined queue that collects all unmatched conversations during routing. It is available to all agents and all agents are part of this queue automatically. All agents have access to conversations in the default queue and can reply to customers. The default queue can be changed in a conversation but it cannot be deleted.

Set status

To broadcast your availability, you need to set yourself to one of the applicable statuses. To set your status, navigate to the account settings in the bottom left corner, and below your name, you can set your status using the drop-down arrow.

Conversations - Set agent status

Agents' statuses can be of 2 types based on their activity or workload: Default (Available, Busy, Away, and Offline) and Custom (Idle, Under capacity, Ringing, etc.), and all are explained in the table below:

AvailableAvailableAgents are signed in and available to take on new conversations.
IdleAgents are automatically set to this status when they do not have assigned conversations.
Under capacityAgents are automatically set to this status when they can take on more conversations than they have assigned to them.
BusyBusyAgents are busy and cannot receive new conversations.
Full capacityAgents are automatically set to this status when their workload is equal to their capacity.
In a callAgents are automatically set to this status when they are on a call.
RingingAgents are automatically set to this status when they are receiving a call.
Wrap-upAgents are automatically set to this status when they are wrapping up a call.
AwayAwayAgents are logged in but not available to receive conversations. Mostly used for short breaks.
OfflineOfflineAgents are signed out.

Supervisors can set custom statuses based on their contact center setup and needs so you may see other statuses than the 4 main ones mentioned above.

It is crucial that you are in the status you set yourself to. Your activity is monitored within the system. So, if you set yourself as Available but the system notices there is no activity in your browser (or the browser is closed), the system will automatically log you out to prevent further conversations assigned to you and inaccurate time tracking on Agent’s Utilization. Note that if you are inactive for 1 minute, the system will automatically set your status to Offline.

Also, make sure to end your shift by setting your status to Offline and log out. Otherwise, you will remain in your current status while being logged off.

Create new conversation

Agents frequently find it necessary to initiate contact with customers rather than waiting for customers to initiate contact with them. To begin a new conversation within the My Work panel, simply click the " +" button to create a new chat.

After you click the + button and select, e.g., the Email channel, you need to specify the following:

  • From which channel and sender message will be sent
  • To whom the message will be sent (name of the customer who must exist in People or contact address like MSISDN)
    • Once you enter a valid customer contact, it will automatically populate the field
    • Channel and contact address in case the recipient has more than one contact associated with their profile
    • Option to add CC and BCC
  • Form for the conversation
  • Tags
  • Priority of the conversation
  • Status of the conversation
  • Queue
  • Agent assigned to the conversation
  • Subject
  • Content of the message

The Status, Priority, and Form items are optional, and if you do not specify anything, the default Status is open, and the Priority is normal.

Besides this, you can choose a macro to automate the steps and pre-populate the data by clicking the respective button.

Conversations - Start a new conversation agent perspective

When opting for a channel that requires manual entry of the customer's phone number, the system performs real-time validation to verify the accuracy of the number and prevent any potential errors.

When creating a new conversation, you can copy and paste the phone number into the dedicated field, or enter it manually. The system will then automatically eliminate any unnecessary characters such as dots, dashes, or brackets.

Example: the following number formats - (800) 100-20000, 800-100-20000, 80010020000, (800)-100-20000 should all resolve to 80010020000 when attempting to search for the number which results in finding the same customer.

If an error occurs, a notification will appear next to the input field.

Once done, click the Start a Conversation button to either create a new conversation or continue the thread within an already ongoing conversation.

Conversations - New conversation creation valid number

The system automatically validates if there are any ongoing conversations between the sender and the recipient. If there is, then the system doesn’t allow the agent to create a new conversation and thus prevents multiple parallel conversations and enforces correct threading of messages.

These are the scenarios you can encounter:

  1. No existing conversations - Agent can create a new conversation.
  2. Pre-existing conversations assigned to the logged in agent or unassigned- Agent is prompted to view the conversation and continue the communication with the customer if it is relevant to the ongoing topic.
  3. Pre-existing conversations assigned to another agent - Agent is notified that a new message cannot be sent, nor a conversation can be started with this customer as another agent is already exchanging messages with the same customer. The user can contact the other agent and agree on the next course of action: conversation transfer, another agent sends the new message to the customer, or a new message is sent only after an ongoing conversation is finished depending on the topic and the content to be exchanged.

If the manual conversation assignment is enabled, you cannot take a conversation that is already assigned to another agent. For instance, if one agent assigns a conversation to themselves, and the other agent does the same thing a few milliseconds later than the first agent, this solution prevents the second agent from assigning the conversation to themselves if the first agent already assigned the same conversation to themselves.

Before the conversation is assigned, a background check is performed to determine whether the conversation has already been assigned to someone else. If it has, the assignment is rejected and the agent receives an error message informing them that another agent has already been assigned to the conversation.

Blocklisted numbers

When an agent tries to initiate a new conversation using a number that is on the blocklist, the system will automatically block its creation. Regardless of the communication channel - whether it is a call, email, or some other channel - once the blocked contact is entered, it will appear greyed out, preventing the agent from selecting it and continuing the conversation.

Conversations - Blocklisted numbers

This system ensures high levels of customer satisfaction by respecting the preferences of customers who do not wish to be contacted. It upholds customer privacy and prevents unwanted communication across all channels by blocking any attempts to create new conversations with blocklisted numbers.

To learn more about the Do Not Contact list, click here (opens in a new tab).

Search conversations

The global search features an advanced algorithm capable of searching for conversations and customers across multiple fields, including:

  • Conversation summary
  • Conversation topic
  • Short ID
  • Conversation ID
  • Customer name
  • Customer number
  • Message content
  • Customer ID
  • Internal ID
  • Display name

The Search field is available in every Conversations segment, ensuring quick and accurate access to the required information.

Conversations - Global search

You can input the desired phrase or keyword directly into the Search field to perform a search, or use the filtering option by clicking the filter icon.

By selecting the filtering option, you will have access to the following choices:

  • Keyword - allowed keywords are: conversation ID, customer name, contact (number or email), messages or phrases from the conversation summary or topic
  • Conversation filters:
    • Channels
    • Status
    • Agent
    • Queue
    • Tags
    • Input form fields value:
      • Text or number
      • Date
      • Boolean
  • Sender
  • Priority
  • Date

You can also perform a search without specifying a search term or keyword—just apply the desired filters.

Once you select the wanted items, click the Apply Filters button.

Conversations - Global search filtering

When you search for a conversation or customer using text without double quotes, the input text is split into individual words. The search will return any conversation or customer that contains at least one of these words in its searchable fields.

If you enclose your search text in double quotes, the search will not split the text into individual words. Instead, it will look for the exact phrase within the conversation/customers fields.

The results are divided in two tabs:

  • Conversations
  • Customers


The Conversations tab shows a results table containing the following info:

  • Conversation
  • Status
  • Customer name
  • Summary
  • Queue
  • Tags
  • Message match
  • Created

At any time, you can remove, add or adjust the filtering options. All matching key findings will be highlighted in yellow.

Conversations - Global search results
NoteData access (opens in a new tab) restrictions are applied for the global search, ensuring that users only see search results from conversations they have permission to access. Conversations you do not have permission to view are omitted from the results.

The search will return only those messages where the message content contains the searched word or phrase.

Clicking the messages link (if messages exist) in the Message match column opens a pop-up displaying message matches from the conversation, with options to navigate directly to that message or to the previous or next conversation containing matching messages.

Conversations - Global search message match Conversations - Global search message match tab

If you hover over a specific conversation, you can see the following info:

  • Conversation name
  • Conversation ID
  • Date and time
  • Summary or Last inbound message (depending on what is available)
  • Customer
  • Channel
  • Queue
  • Assignee
  • Tags
Conversations - Global search conversation summary

Additionally, clicking on a specific conversation in the Conversation column will open it directly in My Work, allowing you to view its details. You can return to the search results anytime by using your browser's back button.


The Customers tab displays the following info:

  • Customer
  • Customer info
  • Conversations (with links for active and closed conversations)
  • Last contacted
  • View profile in People

Clicking the link for active or closed conversations (if available) will redirect you to the Shared View from URL page in All Work, where the conversation(s) will be displayed. Select the desired conversation to view its details.

Conversations - Global search active and closed convos in Customers Conversations - Global search shared view for convos

There may be instances where the number of active and closed conversations in Search and All Work do not match. For example, the search results might show a customer with 3 active conversations, while All Work displays fewer due to queue restrictions or similar factors.

Conversations - Global search - Accessibility

To view more details about a specific customer, click on their name, and a side panel with additional information will appear. For additional information, select the View and edit profile in People button to find this customer in People (opens in a new tab).

Conversations - Global search customers

Search results sorting

If no sorting option is manually selected, the system applies default sorting based on a score. This score determines the similarity between the search text and searchable fields.

When a search is performed without any text and only filters are applied, no score is generated for the results. In such cases, the results are sorted alphabetically by Conversation ID.

For manual sorting, the following options are available:

  • By conversation created date (applicable only in the Conversations tab)
  • By customer name (applicable in both the Conversations and Customers tabs)

Send messages

Conversations support more than one channel so the agent can choose which channel to use to reply to the customer. If the customer has more than one channel or more numbers per channel associated, the agent will have all the numbers available within the drop-down menu.

By default, the last channel used within the conversation will be pre-selected. To send your message, type the message content and click Send Message. To write an internal note, click Internal in the bottom right corner.

Agents can see the following info for sent messages:

  • Delivered status for agent messages is now available for all channels
  • Seen status is available for chat apps and Live Chat
  • Rules made by customer apply here as well (hide when I read)

Agent assistant



All AI features are released as Closed Early Access. Contact your account manager for more information.

The AI assistant for agents is a powerful tool designed to enhance productivity, and improve customer interactions. It assists agents by suggesting replies, fixing grammar, spelling, rephrasing and translating texts. The AI can help draft responses, detect customer sentiment, and recommend solutions based on previous interactions. With its ability to learn and adapt, the AI assistant empowers agents to deliver faster, more personalized, and high-quality service.

Check the sections below and learn how to use the AI assistant.

Conversations - Agent AI features

AI summary

You can now obtain concise summaries of past and ongoing conversations with the customer you are interacting with. This feature allows you to quickly understand customer issues, reduce manual work, and respond more swiftly and accurately to their concerns.

You can get conversation summaries from:

  • Conversation
  • Note section
  • Conversation context card

Select the Generate AI Summary button, and the summary will automatically be created.

The AI summary from the direct conversation offers three additional options:

  • Regenerate (rewrite or rephrase a response)
  • Add as summary (add the provided summary to the Conversation context card)
  • Add as a note (add the provided summary as a note)

You also have the option to regenerate the summary in the Conversation context card and in Notes.

Conversations - AI summary in conversation and note Conversations - AI summary in context card

Suggested replies

The Suggested replies option provides pre-formulated responses to enhance your efficiency, saving you time on typing or formulating replies. It also ensures consistency and accuracy when interacting with customers.

  1. Click the Generate suggested reply button.
  2. AI will load and generate a response based on the received customer's inquiry. Conversations - Suggested reply in conversation
  3. Click the Use Reply button, and the suggested response will appear in the text box, where it can be edited if needed.
  4. If you are satisfied with the suggested response, click Send. Conversations - Use suggested reply in conversation

Enhance writing

Within the Enhance writing feature, you have two options:

  • Fix grammar and spelling
  • Rephrase

By selecting the Fix grammar and spelling option, the AI will automatically correct grammatical errors as you type. You can choose to accept these suggestions or further edit your message to suit your preferences.

Conversations - Fix grammar

If you want to revert to a previous version of your text after a correction, select the Undo button.

Conversations - Grammar fixed

Select the Rephrase option if you would like to reword your text. Similar to the Fix grammar and spelling feature, you can either accept the suggested rephrasing, select the Retry button to generate a new version, or continue editing the message to fit your preferences.

Conversations - AI Rephrase

If you want to revert to a previous version of your text after the rephrase, select the Undo button.

Conversations - AI Rephrased


The last option, Translate, enables you to translate the text in one of the following languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
  • French

The AI will automatically detect the required language for translation, but you can always manually select a different language by clicking the Select language option if needed.

Conversations - AI translation

If you want to revert to the previous version of your text after the translation, select the Undo button.

Conversations - AI translation undo


You can find all the information you need about the Calls agent experience on this link.

Send rich media

Customers can send rich media (depending on channel-specific policies) and it will be rendered in a way that agents can read it. Supported rich media include images, files, video, audio, location.

Messaging window supports different message formats depending on the channel capabilities:

Sending media filesNOYESYESYES

Media files

Supported media file formats and maximum size (note that these are related to WhatsApp; other channels have different specifications):

Media typeSizeFile format
Video16 MBMP4, 3GPP
Document100 MBPDF, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X)

To learn more about other channels' specifications, go here (opens in a new tab), find the appropriate channel in the Communication Channels section, and look for the message types descriptions.

Supported message length depends on the channel and the values are listed below:

Channel CharactersComment
SMS160More than 160 characters is possible
but the message will be charged as two (or more)
separate messages (depending on how many times 160 characters are used).
Viber Bot1000 
Live Chat 4096 
Kakao Sangdam1000 
Apple Messages for Business1000 

Depending on which browser and operating system agents are using, they may or may not be able to listen to audio messages sent by customers.

Below is a list of supported audio (and video) formats available per OS and browser:

                                                                      AUDIO      VIDEO










MAC (Safari)--------

Share location

To share a location, click the Location icon and then type in the name of the location. Click the Share Location button to send.

Share voice message


This feature is only available for the WhatsApp channel.

You can record and share an audio message using your device's microphone while communicating with customers over the WhatsApp channel.

This feature enables you to convey information, instructions, or personal messages through spoken words instead of text. With audio messages, you can express your tone, emotion, and complex ideas that might be challenging to convey through text alone, and they offer a more personal touch to communication and can be convenient for users who prefer speaking rather than typing.

To record a voice message, click the Record Voice Message microphone icon displayed within the chat options.

Conversations - Record voice message

Upon clicking the option, you will be prompted to allow access to your device's microphone. If multiple options are available for devices, you will need to specify which device you are granting access to for recording.

Conversations - Record voice message options

Once you grant the access, click the Record Voice Message button to start recording your message. When finished, click the Stop Recording button to end the recording.

Conversations - Record voice message start Conversations - Record voice message stop

Before you send the recording, you can listen to it and download the file by clicking the respective buttons. If you are satisfied with your recording, click the Attach Recorded Voice Into Message button to attach it to the chat box.

If you need to record your voice message again, click the Record Voice Message button which will replace the previous recording with the new one, or Cancel, and start recording again by clicking the microphone button in the chat options.

Conversations - Record voice message other options

Attach the recorded message and click Send. The audio file will be displayed in the chat box, allowing the customer to listen to the recorded message.

Conversations - Record voice message send

Change channel

While having a conversation with a customer, agents can agree to send information through a different communication channel due to several reasons: the customer does not have internet access, the content they wish to send requires rich media support, the customer prefers communication over a specific channel, etc.

You can change the communication channel by clicking on the channel drop-down menu above the reply message box. Any new messages from the same customer as well as contact addresses will be automatically added to the same conversation until the conversation is marked as closed.


When you select Voice as the channel, the Start a Call button will be shown in the reply message box.

Use conversation templates

Agent can select a template with quick action in the message content box by typing “/” which results in a pop-up opening to select a template:

Conversations - Template usage options

Another way to access templates is by selecting the template icon at the bottom of the messages content box:

Conversations - Template icon look

The templates pop-up opens so you can search for a specific template:

Conversations - Template box

After the template has been selected, agents can change the whole text for user-defined templates or map variables only for WhatsApp pre-registered templates.

Mapping of variables is done by selecting the highlighted area of the text and entering a value:

Conversations - WhatsApp placeholders

And the very last - the agent just needs to click the Send Message button to reach out to the customer.


To simplify your work and enable automation of the necessary steps for the same use cases, you can utilize macros for conversations that are already open or for starting new conversations in which all steps are performed automatically and the data is pre-populated.

Macros in open conversations

You can select the template/macro and based on it, the following fields are auto-populated:

  • Subject
  • Body
  • Sender (Brand)
  • Form
  • Form fields
  • Queue / Assignee
  • Status
  • Priority

In My Work, you can list all available macros by clicking the icon and applying the wanted macro for the currently opened conversation.

Conversations - Macros icon in chat

Once the Choose macro window opens, you can search for a specific macro and filter them by tags.

Conversations - Macro window

If you hover over a macro in the list, the Preview button appears, and by clicking it, you can see the macro details. Once you find the wanted macro, you can select it by clicking the Apply Macro button or clicking the macro directly without previewing it.

Conversations - Macro preview Conversations - Apply macro

Once you apply the macro, an event is shown in the conversation indicating that you applied it and the steps are automatically completed according to the macro setup.

Conversations - Applied macro

When an agent uses a Macro that sets the conversation status to Solved, the agent can edit it as needed and solve the conversation.

Macros in new conversations

Macros are available to be used in the creation of new conversations to automate repetitive tasks, simplify complex workflows, and increase productivity.

After you click the + button, the following fields will display:

  • From which channel and sender message will be sent
  • To whom the message will be sent (name of the customer who must exist in People or contact address like MSISDN)
    • Channel and contact address in case the recipient has more than contact one associated with their profile
    • Option to add CC and BCC
  • Form for the conversation
  • Tags
  • Priority of the conversation
  • Status of the conversation
  • Queue
  • Agent assigned to the conversation
  • Subject
  • Content of the message

The following macro actions are visible and editable when creating new conversations:

  • Agent
  • Queue
  • Tags
  • Subject/Topic (for the email channel, the topic will not be displayed, only the subject)

The macro logic for the creation of new conversations is based on the following:

  • If the 'To' field has not been filled yet, the agent will only be able to choose macros that have the recipient field (To) configured for the chosen channel selected in the 'From' field.
  • If the 'To' field is populated, the agent can select any macro. However, the action to fill in the recipient field (To) will only execute if the channel matches the specified criteria.
  • If a session has expired (requiring a registered template), a yellow box will appear. However, if an agent selects a macro, it will be applied silently. When the agent later selects a template, the other fields will populate based on the actions specified in the macro (except from the "Set Template" action - even though it is available, it will not execute in the event of a WhatsApp session expiration as it requires WhatsApp-approved templates).

When starting a new conversation, click the Choose a macro button to open a list of actions.

Conversations - Choose macro option

Once the Choose macro modal appears, a list of all available macros appears. You can search for a specific macro, filter and preview it before applying. Once you choose the macro you want, click it and apply it in your new conversation.

Conversations - Preview macro option

When you successfully apply the wanted macro, you will see a notification that the macro is applied, its name, and the pre-populated data applied to the conversation. You have the option to choose a form and add or remove tags, and adjust other settings as needed.

Conversations - Macro applied

If you want to remove the applied macro, click the X button next to the macro name and confirm your action.

Conversations - Remove macro

For WhatsApp, if more than 24 hours have passed from the last communication, you will first need to choose a WhatsApp-specific template and then apply a macro.


Use notes to notify your team about important matters regarding a conversation with a customer. You can store any supporting documentation, screenshots, and other file types in the notes, which can help you or your colleagues get the full scope of the conversation and see what has been done to resolve a customer's issue.


Internal Notes support the following file formats, and the maximum file size is 25 MB: .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mp4, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rar, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .zip, .ods, .odp, .odt, .odm, .xml, .bmp, .wav, .mp3, .mpeg, .webp, .webm, .avi, .gzip, .gz, .ogg, .moov, .mov, .json, .heic, .heif, .ico

Check customer data and context

A conversation is built on a combination of participants (customer and agents) and messages exchanged between participants. A customer participating in a conversation can be known or unknown. Customer is known if their contact number is connected to the People profile. In case of a known customer, the Agent can see on the right-side panel default customer attributes:

  • Customer name - Associated with that destination number/ID in People
  • Gender - If associated with person in People
  • City - If associated with person in People
  • Country - If associated with person in People

More customer details can be found using the View and Edit link in People. The Agent can update customer attributes in People (e.g., change name, add destination, add tags, and more).

Regardless of the customer details configuration setup by a supervisor, the agent can update customer attributes in People (e.g.,change name, add destination, add tags).

Click the Unlink Conversation option if a wrong conversation is linked with a specific customer. A vice-versa situation is possible as well. For example, a conversation is by default linked with an unknown customer by mistake but then the agent realizes that there is an ongoing conversation with a known customer who already exists within People. In that case, the agent can link the conversation with the existing customer, and customer details will appear.

Conversation history



This feature is released as Early Access. At the moment, it does not include support for displaying conversation history from Facebook Posts, Instagram Posts, and Google Play Reviews channels.

By clicking the Conversation history context card, you can preview all open and closed conversations associated with a specific customer without leaving the current page. The card brings together all interactions in chronological order, directly accessible on the My Work page. It is a unified view that helps agents comprehend the complete history of the customer's engagement, enabling them to provide more informed and personalized support. The availability of the conversation history depends on the data retention policy.

conversations history context card

The system respects the agent's accessibility rights for a certain queue, and the information is displayed without the possibility of actively participating in a conversation from the context card. This implies that viewing conversations may be restricted, such as when an agent does not have access to a particular queue, they will only see a subset of conversations from that customer.

If you click the three dots next to a conversation, you will see two options:

  • View Conversation
  • Merge Conversation

Selecting the View Conversation option directs you to the specific conversation, allowing you to review it in detail. Furthermore, the Merge Conversation option offers the capability to combine specific conversations if necessary.

conversations history context card conversion options

Choosing the View Conversation option, or clicking on the conversation, opens the selected conversation where you can see all messages or call events (depending on the channel), exchanged between the agent and the customer, along with internal notes. The messaging channels contain both messages and notes, while the call channel contains events (including recordings) and notes.

Additionally, you have the choice to open the conversation in a new tab for further examination.

conversations history context card conversion preview conversations history context card conversion preview calls

By default, the system displays the last 5 conversations. If there are additional conversations beyond this limit, you can click the Show More button to reveal them. However, note that a maximum of 1000 conversations can be displayed for a specific customer.

conversations history context card show more

You can filter the conversations based on the channels.

conversations history context card filtering

If there is no conversation history, the following message will appear:

conversations history context card no conversion history

Search messages

The Search option helps the agent with a specific segment or a sentence within the conversation. Search results are not case sensitive. Additionally, the list of potential search results is immediately displayed as you are typing.

To open the conversation you're looking for, hover over the message and click Jump to message.

Merge conversations

Agents can merge two conversations with the same customer, in case both conversations address the same topic and are identified as the same customer.

If an agent decides to merge the conversations, this is what happens:

  • Messages from both channels are visible, grouped under same conversation and timestamped.
  • Conversation queue, summary, topic, and priority from the current conversation are kept.
  • A tag that was in one of the older conversations will be transferred to a new conversation (it will be added on top of the existing tags).
  • Any new messages from the customer contact addresses used will be automatically added to the same conversation until the conversation is closed.

If surveys were triggered from both conversations, only the most recent one will be retained.

For more information on how to merge email conversations, click here (opens in a new tab).

Senders configuration


This feature is only available for the Grow and Scale package.

The Senders configuration feature simplifies the creation of new or existing conversations. If the feature is enabled, the following is applied:

  • New conversation:
    • Agent only has the default sender available from the queue they are assigned to
    • Every queue has only one set default sender
  • Existing conversation:
    • Only senders from the queue the conversation is assigned to are available
    • Agent can only reply to senders in the queue they are assigned to and to senders available in a certain queue, e.g., if the agent receives a conversation from a queue they are not assigned to, they cannot reply to the sender and will receive a warning message
    • If a conversation is assigned to a queue that does not have senders by default, the default sender of the queue is chosen for the channel; however, if the default sender in the queue is not available, the From option will stay empty and all other senders will be available for the agent to choose based on the queue configuration

When creating a new conversation, only the default senders are listed where they are grouped based on the queue setup, and senders set under a particular senders group are automatically used for sending.

In the From field, the following is available:

  • Search option
  • Information about the sender (in which queue the sender is set as default)
Agent guide - Senders configuration

Agent guide on mobile

The Conversations app is accessible on both Android and iOS platforms, offering all features currently available.

Once you have logged in to the app on your mobile phone, a list of all conversations assigned to you will be loaded. Each conversation opened will appear in a chat window, which is also used for sending replies. Besides responding to messages, you can change conversation status and their availability.

It is not yet possible to initiate conversations or apply templates. If you need to perform any action that is not currently available in the mobile app, log in to the web interface (opens in a new tab).

Mobile authentication


Two-factor authentication has become mandatory in the Conversations mobile app from March 5th, 2024. For more information, reach out to your account manager.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) (opens in a new tab) is a security process that requires users to provide two different authentication factors before accessing their account. The Conversations mobile app authentication is based on a Time-based one-time password (TOTP) (opens in a new tab) method that sends a one-time PIN (Personal Identification Number) code generated for a specific instance, typically sent to a user's mobile device or email.

Click here and proceed with the steps provided to verify your mobile device.

Log in

Use your agent credentials to log in to the app. Once your credentials have been authorized, a list of all conversations assigned to you will load.

Set status

Tap on the agent avatar to access the Agent profile and set your status.

Send message

Each open conversation will show up in a chat window, which you can also use to send responses. You can attach files up to 10MB or share your location (depending on channel capabilities), and use the camera as the attachment source. Also depending on channel capabilities, you can record and send a voice message to your customer.

By switching to the "note" input mode, you can add internal notes to the dialogue (and you can also add attachments to your note). Only your contact center colleagues have access to this note.

Besides responding to messages, you can change the conversation status in this view. Tap the status icon in the upper right corner and choose a new status.

Start conversations using a deep link

You can start conversations directly in the Conversations mobile app by using a deep link.

  1. If you reach out to the customer via an external app, the app will adjust the Conversations app deep link with predefined variables such as the end user's phone number, sender, template, etc.
  2. Click on the link represented by an icon in the external app.
  3. This will lead to opening the Conversations mobile app.
  4. After logging in, you will be redirected to the creation of a new conversation with the predefined sender, recipient, and message template.

Although iOS and Android platforms use different URL domains and methods to trigger the deep link, the parameters have equivalent names and meanings:

  • from value, as the (sender) agent identifier or number in the selected channel (MANDATORY); for the Calls channel in WebRTC, the sender value should be converted to uppercase: CONVERSATIONS
  • to value, as the (recipient) customer identifier or number in the selected channel (MANDATORY)
  • channel name, as specified in the table below. Channel name parsing and expected channel enumeration value are not case-sensitive. Email, Apple Business Chat, Google Play Reviews, Telegram, Facebook Posts, Instagram Posts, and internal channels are not supported at the moment.
  • topic, as the identifier of the conversation topic (OPTIONAL)
  • templateId, as the identifier of the automatically selected template (OPTIONAL)

Channel names and enumeration values

Review the table below, which lists channel names along with their enumeration values.

Channel NameEnumeration Value
SMS (opens in a new tab)SMS
WhatsApp (opens in a new tab)WHATSAPP
Viber Business Messages (opens in a new tab)VIBER
Viber Bots (opens in a new tab)VIBER_BOT
Messenger (opens in a new tab)FACEBOOK_MESSENGER
RCS (opens in a new tab)RCS
LINE (opens in a new tab)LINE
Live Chat (opens in a new tab)LIVE_CHAT
KakaoTalk (opens in a new tab)KAKAO_SANGDAM
Instagram Messaging (opens in a new tab)INSTAGRAM_MESSAGING
Calls (opens in a new tab)CALLS

The deep link URL should contain only characters that are valid in URL encoding, but it does not need to follow the Percent URL encoding format (see examples below). Using unsupported characters, like punctuation, can cause the URL to break and result in errors. The Conversations mobile app does not need to be running for the above deep link to function, but the agent must have been previously authenticated. It is recommended to enable the 'Remember me' option on the login screen to prevent session timeouts that could interrupt the use case.

Android example

val intent = Intent().apply {
    action = ""
    data = Uri.parse("ccaas://$yourFrom&to=$yourTo&channel=$yourChannel&templateId=$yourTemplateId")
runCatching {
}.onFailure {

iOS example

if let url = URL(string: "conversationsMobile://createNew?from=\(yourFrom)&to=\(yourTo)&channel=\(yourChannel)&templateId=\(yourTemplateId)") {
    // Note: do not rely on UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) for deeplinks, as it returns 'false' for URLs such as the one above
    // The String above also does the deeplink when invoked from Safari app, if needed

Context cards

Use context cards in the mobile app for whichever action necessary, the same way you would do it on the web.

Agent guide - Mobile context cards

The purpose of context cards is to display and/or modify data organized in fields, linked to a conversation from an external system. These improve the agents' ability to manage conversations when away from their desk as they can use readily available context cards to resolve customer queries faster.

Internal conversations

The internal conversations are available in the app as they exist on the web. This feature makes it easier for agents to seek expertise and help in another queue without leaving My work. Any agent can create an internal conversation, no matter what role they have.

When you click the Create conversation button in the Conversations list view, a menu shows with the following options:

  • Create conversation
  • Create internal conversation
  • Cancel

Click the Create internal conversation button to display a new internal conversation form which shows the following:

  • Topic - appears as the topic (headline) of the created conversation
  • Queue - the conversation will be assigned to this queue
    • Queue picker
  • Conversation ID (optional) - if used, the new conversation is linked to it as a follow-up conversation
  • Message - the actual message content
  • Create internal conversation button
  • Cancel button

Once you have created an internal conversation, you can assign it to another agent or queue.


The Conversations mobile app allows users to send, receive, and organize emails directly from their smartphones or tablets.

To create a new email conversation, click the pen icon in the upper-right corner → Create E-mail conversation. From there, you can add the recipient, email subject, Cc, and Bcc recipient(s), and click Create.

Once the information is entered, click the button to choose one of the following available options:

  • Send and mark as Solved
  • Send and mark as Waiting
  • Send and mark as Closed
  • Edit E-mail draft
Conversations - Email on mobile app

If you want to attach files or images to the email message, click the attachment button located above the keyboard. You have the option to attach files from your gallery or your files folder.

To download attachments, either click the download button next to the attachment or select the bulk option to download all attachments at once.

Conversations - Email on mobile app add attachments

Should you require it, you can save the email as a draft by selecting the Edit button. This allows you to revisit and edit it later or delete it entirely. Be aware that if you close an unsent email, it will be automatically saved as a draft to ensure that you do not lose any content.

Conversations - Email on mobile app save as draft

Use internal notes to notify your team about important matters regarding a conversation with a customer. You can store any supporting documentation, screenshots, and other file types in the notes, which can help you or your colleagues get the full scope of the conversation and see what has been done to resolve a customer's issue.

Conversations - Email on mobile app internal notes

Make and receive calls

If calls are configured for your account, you can receive and initiate phone calls. If this doesn't happen, check with your Supervisor to configure calls.

To start receiving calls, make sure to set yourself as Available (mobile).

An incoming call is announced by the system's ringing tone and notification, and you can either accept or decline it. Based on current availability, in-call controls allow you to mute the microphone, turn on the speaker or camera, hold or transfer the call and display the dial pad.

To make a new call, create a new conversation and choose the Calls channel and enter the phone number as the destination.

Also, in chat channels, you can generate and send a call link.

After the end user has received the link, they can access the web page in line with the steps explained in the Generate Call link (opens in a new tab) section. When the end user makes a call using this link, you will receive the call on your mobile device.

Check out our Calls (opens in a new tab) documentation to find out more.

Call on hold

The Hold option is available on the mobile app as well. This feature enables the agent to put a customer on hold if they need to investigate something or gather the necessary information. When the customer is put on hold, they are greeted with an audio cue or a pre-recorded announcement that is played until the agent comes back to the call.

Every queue can have its custom music and announcement message. As mentioned previously, supervisors can configure music on hold (opens in a new tab) and the announcement per queue (opens in a new tab).

The agent remains in the On hold status until they resume the call. This change is reflected in the agent panel, which also includes a new "Call on hold" event so that supervisors can, if necessary, monitor how long calls are on hold, determine whether the issues are resolved and take appropriate action to offer the best customer service.

Transfer to agent

The blind (cold) transfer is supported on the mobile as well. The call rings and is sent to the other agent you chose, who must be in the same queue the conversation landed in. They will hear the call and can accept or reject it.

To transfer the call, click the Transfer button, select the Agents tab (the name is dynamic as it depends on how the queue is called), then select or search for the available agent from the current queue you want to transfer the call to (available agents are shown first on the list).

Conversations - Transfer to agent mobile

When you transfer the call, it will end on your side and continue with the transferred agent and the customer. Additionally, the customer hears the ringing sound while being connected to the other agent.

Transfer to queue

You can also transfer calls to another queue. To do that, while on a call, tap the Transfer button and on the Queues tab simply choose the desired queue. The list shows which queues are available in the order of their availability (statuses are shown in real time).


You cannot choose a specific agent from a different queue.

Conversations - Transfer to agent mobile

In case the transfer is unsuccessful (some error occurred, agent suddenly goes offline or busy), the call modal reflects this by showing a warning that the call cannot be transferred.


Queues that do not have the Automatic agent assignment turned on will not have the Transfer option available.

Transfer to external number

Agents can use the Transfer to external number option to transfer customers to any valid E.164 formatted phone number. Phone numbers can be stored in People under Contacts or entered manually by an agent.

A system administrator or supervisor needs to pre-configure the application to enable external transfers. Based on the settings, agents will either be limited to external phone numbers stored in People and/or can enter phone numbers manually. The flow varies slightly depending on the settings:

  • While connected to an active call, the transfer options become visible where you first need to click the Transfer button
  • Click the Numbers tab to make the transfer to an external number by typing it in
  • Click the Transfer button
  • Once you transfer the call, you are disconnected from it and the external party continues the conversation with the customer
  • The wrap-up modal shows up allowing you to handle the conversation as you want (e.g., close it) and an event is shown in the conversation indicating that you transferred the call to a specific number or person
Conversations - Transfer to external number mobile

While the transfer is in progress and the call is successfully dialed, the customer hears music or the ringing sound that stops when the call is established. If the external number is busy or not answering, the music/ringing sound stops and the call is ended.

If the call transfer fails due to some technical difficulties or the external number does not answer it, the call is returned to the agent.

Conversations - Transfer to external number failed on mobile

The recording does not continue after the call has been transferred, meaning that the system is recording the call up to the point of transfer and the rest is not recorded.


Agents can fill in the call summary in the wrap-up field. This way they can summarize the call without any delay during the dedicated wrap-up time, which they can extend if needed by pressing the +10 SECONDS button in the wrap-up window.

Manage conversations

To manage your chats with the customers in the mobile app, tap the Manage Conversation icon, upon which you will see a variety of options.

On the Setup screen you can do the following:

  • Select a different sender and/or channel - From
  • Select a different recipient (only if another one of the selected channels is available) - To
  • Assign the conversation to a different Queue
  • Change the Priority of the conversation
  • Transfer the conversation to a different agent - Assignee

On the Conversation details screen you can:

  • Add or update the conversation Topic, Tags or Summary
  • Select a Form and fill in its fields

Learn more about managing conversations.

On the Customer screen, you can see and edit customer details. Learn more about managing customer data (opens in a new tab).

Start a conversation

  1. In the conversations list, tap on the “new conversation” icon.
  2. In the dialog, populate the From (sender), and To (destination) fields for the first message.
  3. Craft and send your first message or start a voice call.

If mandatory by channel rules, you can use WhatsApp templates and Messenger tags to start a conversation.

Agents and Managers/Supervisors can now use the new sidebar in the mobile app to switch between additional views:

  • All work
  • Unassigned
  • All chatbots
  • History

Search in All Work

Use the magnifier icon to search for certain keywords and find conversations or messages in All Work that match your query.

Sorting in All Work

You can sort conversations in All work by clicking the sorting option in the left corner. The conversations can be sorted by:

  • Oldest pending (default sort, showing conversations with the oldest message on top)
  • Latest pending (sorts conversations with the latest messages on top)
  • Conversation status (sorts conversations by their status, in ascending alphabetical order)
  • Customer name (sorts records by customer name where available, otherwise, depending on the channel, it sorts by the phone number, ID, etc., in ascending order)
  • Queue name (sorts queues by those belonging to the Default queue on top, while the remaining queues follow alphabetically)
Conversations - Sorting in All Work mobile

History view can be sorted by:

  • Customer name (sorts records by customer name where available, otherwise, depending on the channel, it sorts by the phone number, ID, etc., in ascending order)
  • Queue name (sorts queues by those belonging to the Default queue on top, while the remaining queues follow alphabetically)
  • Oldest closed (default sort, showing conversations with the oldest closed date on top)
  • Latest closed (sorts conversations with the latest closed date on top)
Conversations - Sorting in History mobile

Send feedback

We would appreciate it if you could send your feedback whenever you have gathered some experience with the app (be it negative or positive, send it our way).

Send feedback directly from the app:

Important to note:

  • You cannot be logged in on the web interface and the mobile app at the same time.
  • We advise you to allow automatic app updates as they contain important bug fixes or feature improvements.

If auto assignment is enabled in your contact center, you will still receive work while in Available status. Remember to set yourself Away or Offline during pauses or out of working hours. Locking the phone screen or putting the app in the background does not change your status. However, logging out of the app sets you Offline.

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