Advanced analytics
Right now

Right now

Right Now dashboard communicates the current state of the Conversations contact center. All important indicators are consolidated in one place giving you a clear picture of all current events in your contact center. On the far right side, you can filter per channels and queues, depending on the analytics you wish to see.

Note that this data updates every time you refresh the page to show the most up-to-date analytics.


This section shows the current active conversations status distribution and the performance of all queues. It also shows the number of active conversations with a service-level agreement (opens in a new tab) (SLA) breach.

Breakdown by conversations

This insight shows how many active conversations are in each status (Total, Open, Waiting, Solved) with the ability to filter by origin (all, inbound, or outbound).

Waiting time

Allows you to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and see how long they are waiting for your services. You can filter results by selecting a specific channel from the channels list (located in the upper right corner).

These are the metrics that you can find in this insight:

  • First response time - The time an agent has taken to respond to a conversation. Measured from the moment a conversation is created until the agent sends their first message.
  • All response time - Median time that an agent has taken to respond to all messages (the first message excluded).

Both metrics show minimum, maximum, and median values for each metric.

Conversations - Analytics right now

Agent status

Shows the number of currently logged-in agents versus the number of all agents. The metric also shows agents per status (Active, Busy, Away, and Offline). Click Show details to view all agents. This insight also allows you to export the full list of agents (click the Export mini window and then select the .CSV button in the dropdown).

Assigned conversations

Shows all currently active conversations. It further expands on the number of Unassigned and Assigned conversations.

Conversations per queue

Shows the total number of conversations distributed between statuses per single queue. Click Show details to view more details.

Advanced analytics - Agent status

Top most used tags

This insight shows the most used tags in currently active conversations. You will see a ranking system based on the number of times a certain tag has been used. Click Show details to see how each tag is performing. You can also export this list in a .CSV file.

Advanced analytics - Top used tags

Performance per channel

Shows how currently active conversations are distributed per status for each channel.

Conversations - Analytics performance by channel

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