

This is a guide for Supervisors on how to connect and configure Jira, Shopify, and custom integrations.

Custom context

Using custom integrations, you can connect Conversationsto any other system. For example, we’ve integrated with a currency exchange app.

Conversations custom integration - Example

On the left, you can see the preview of your custom context card and on the right, you can edit and customize the card.

For everything to work properly, provide a valid webhook URL and authorization header. Use the Edit section to configure the layout of your custom context card.,

Once you’re done, agents should be able to see the custom context card in Conversations.

Conversations custom integration - Agent view

Storing data in third-party systems

With our custom integrations tool, learn how to create and test forms for the data that is to be obtained in third-party system conversations.

Creating a Form

You can create a form for your agents to store data obtained during the conversation which occurred  within a third-party system.

You need to choose the POST method and specify the endpoint that will receive the data. To collect the data, use the Code tab to create a form for your agents. This form will be shown to agents in the right sidebar of agent’s desktop window. You can use HTML to write the form code or choose from snippets in the upper right corner of the code tab.

Conversations - Create custom form

In the request tab, you can see the payload created based on the form. To create a nested structure, use the dotted notation.

Conversations - Custom context card payload

Testing the Form

Once you have created a form, you can test it. Use the form preview on the left to fill in the data. Check the Request tab to make sure the payload is formatted properly. Then using the submit button in the preview or clicking the TEST button below the editor you can invoke the endpoint configured in the Configuration section.

The result will be shown in the Response tab, which is where you can see the whole response from the endpoint showing the error code, error message or returning payload, and other details.

Conversations - Context card test form

Once the custom context card is enabled, it will be available to agents in their agent desktop window.


Learn how to set up and use different ticketing systems such as JIRA to track issues and other development (where available) processes.


Jira is a software by Atlassian, and it’s used to track product development, issues, tickets, and agile project management. Conversations support Jira integration and allows you to exchange data with your Jira account.

Jira integration consists of three parts:

  1. Configuration
  2. Customization
  3. Usage


To configure Jira in the web interface, Supervisorsmust set up the connection between the web interface and their Jira account, and then customize which fields they want to see while using Conversations.

The steps below will guide you on how to configure JIRA in the web interface.

First, log in to the web interface, navigate to the Exchange module located at the bottom left > and find Jira for Conversations.

Exchange - JIRA for Conversations card

Setting up the connection depends on the type your existing Jira account. There are three options Infobip supports:

  1. OAuth
  2. API Key
  3. Basic
Conversations - Jira configuration methods

In the following paragraphs, you will learn how to connect Jira using these methods.

  1. Select OAuth, click CONTINUE and enter your Jira instance URL.

    Conversations - Jira OAuth method
  2. Atlassian will return required data you need to finish the connection on Atlassian side.

    Conversations - OAuth setup method step 2
  3. Open Jira, navigate to Settings> Products> Application links to create a new link.

    Conversations - Configure Jira application URL
  4. Provide all the necessary data. Use copy/paste. Allow the application to read and write access to your data on your Jira account. Click AUTHORIZE. **

    Conversations - Link Jira to Infobip

This method only supports Cloud Jira instances and it requires API Key, Jira instance URL, and Username.

Conversations - JIRA API Key method

This method only supports Jira Server instances and it requires Jira Instance URL, Username and Password.

Conversations - Jira basic setup method


After you’ve configured Jira in the web interface, you can configure which data (fields) you want to be displayed to Agents. You can also set up the values in the Summary and Description fields that Agents need to fill out when creating a ticket.

Navigate to the Exchange module located at the bottom left > Jira for Conversations and click on your Jira account. You can enable or disable the integration by switching the toggle.

Also, select the fields that you want to be visible to the agents.

Conversations - Jira to Infobip integration customization settings

We currently don't support: Issue color, Epic color, Issue links, Epic link, Sprint, Labels, Version, Attachment. Additionally, we don't support any user-type fields (e.g. Reporter). Because of this, you won’t be able to create issues that have one of these fields set as required. If you want to use these fields, make sure to mark them as optional in your Jira system.

Select default values while creating a ticket

You can define the value from the current Conversation to be filled when agents are creating a ticket. Agents can change these values if needed.

JIRA - Use predefined values when creating new issues


After you’ve completed the previous two steps, configuration, and customization, Agents will see be able to see the Jira context card in Conversations. They can then manage, create new, or link existing issues and tickets to a certain conversation.

Conversations - Jira conversations example


Jira tickets that contain all the relevant data that you need to solve greatly improve your efficiency, and, in turn, the efficiency within the company as you spend less time going through tickets manually.

You can describe some issues at length using screenshots/pictures, videos, or other types of attachments that supplement the text in the ticket description.

Jira integration allows agents to upload attachments to tickets while they're creating a ticket.  And yes, they can also add attachments to any existing tickets.

Conversations - JIRA ticket attachments

While in a conversation, agents will see all the attachments already attached to the ticket in the agent panel. They can review, download or remove attachments based on their needs and what the ticket is about.

Conversations - JIRA create ticket attachment

Note that the maximum size to upload a file is 10MB.

Conversations - JIRA ticket attachments in agent panel


Here you will find the steps on how to connect your eCommerce sites to Conversations, pull data to Conversations and check orders your customers have placed.


Shopify integration connects your Shopify account to Conversations. You can extract data about your customers, as well as orders they have made.

Conversations - Shopify integration with Infobip


Here’s how to connect Shopify with Infobip:

  1. Log in to the web interface and navigate to the Exchange module located at the bottom left > locate Shopify for Conversations> Add Account.

  2. Fill out the necessary fields and click CONNECT ACCOUNT.

    Conversations - Connect Shopify account
  3. You can find that data on your Shopify store by navigating to Private apps and creating a new private app.

    Conversations - Shopify private apps
  4. After you’ve created your private app, it will have all required data to complete the process.

    Conversations - Create new private Shopify app name


Once you’ve connected the new instance, it should appear under the Exchange module located at the bottom left > Jira for Conversations. along with your store information.

Now, let’s configure which information is displayed to Agents in Conversations. Choose whether to display customer and order information.

Conversations - Shopify customization options

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