Viber Business Messages
Send a message

Send a message

Start communicating with your customers over Infobip solutions. Use Momentsto build a customer journey, dependent on customer interaction. Answersto set up chatbots to answer customer queries. Conversationsto open up live chats with support agents. And Broadcastto send out a one-time message or notification. You can also use the APIto build customer comms.


All of the mentioned Infobip solutions separately require their own licenses before you can use them.

Viber over Moments

Use Flowin Moments to build the journey of how you communicate with your customers, and add a failover option to ensure your messages are being delivered.

In this section, you will learn, how to set up a rich media message using buttons and images, with SMS set up as a failover channel (keep in mind you can set up as many failover channels as required).

  1. Log in (opens in a new tab) to the web interface and navigate MomentsCreate Flow > Start from Scratch.
  2. Define your audience type, and populate to whom the message is being delivered in To.
  3. Add a new element using the arrow →, then select Failover.
  4. Set your primary channel as Viber and secondary as SMS, then adjust the other parameters as required.
  5. Select the Viber box to start building a message. Define sender in From and add your message in Content.
  6. Use the Advanced Options to add rich content. Here you can provide the URL to your image, text to appear in the button, and the URL destination.
  7. Once done, select Back at the top of the edit panel, and repeat the last step for SMS (consider keeping SMS messages under 160 chars to avoid sending multiple messages).
  8. Hit Validate to save, then Launch when you are ready to go live with your flow.

Viber over Answers

Use Answersto build real-time automated communication using AI or keyword-based chatbots for all kinds of customer inquiries.

  1. Follow the dedicated Create a chatbot guide in the Answers module.
  2. Add in message elements to your chatbots as required. Viber messages in Answers support text, images, locations, and one button.
  3. Messages are limited to 1000 characters.

Viber over Conversations

Use Conversationsto host live one-to-one communication with customers. Provide customers with the support they need over their favorite chat apps.

  1. Follow the dedicated Product Setup guide in the Conversations module.
  2. Select Viber as your channel when configuring Conversations.
  3. Messages are limited to 1000 characters.

Viber over Broadcast

Use Broadcastto build a one-time communication, sent to your customers, and add a failover option to ensure your broadcast is delivered.

  1. Log in to the web interface and navigate MomentsBroadcast.
  2. Set your channel to Viber, then populate the To and From fields.
  3. Add your message in Content and use theRich Content options to provide the URL to your image, text to appear in the button, and the URL destination.
  4. Edit the additional parameters and set up a failover if required. Then name your broadcast.
  5. Once ready, hit Continue to Preview, then Launch to go live.

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