

After you create a chatbot, you need to activate it so that end users can access it.

Before you enable end users to use the chatbot, make sure that there are no errors.

You can identify errors in the following ways.

  • Validate the chatbot.
  • Activate the chatbot.

In both cases, Answers shows warnings and error messages. You can choose to override warnings but you must resolve errors. Refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Validate the chatbot

Select Validate. If there are errors, identify the location and description of the errors and correct them.

Validate the chatbot design before activating it

Activate the chatbot

Select Activate. If there are errors, identify the location and description of the errors and correct them.

Deactivate the chatbot

To deactivate an active chatbot, select Deactivate. Refer to the chatbot administration documentation to learn about chatbot statuses and how to manage them.

Redeploy the chatbot

To make changes to an active chatbot and to redeploy the chatbot using the same sender, make the required changes and add a grace period so that open sessions will have time to finish.

For more information, refer to the Administration > Redeployment topic.


The following are some of the most frequent errors and their solutions.

Number of training phrases in intent higher or lower than others

Refer to the Intents > Troubleshooting section.

Incorrect intent is matched

Refer to the Intents > Troubleshooting section.

Button message must not be empty

You are using the button channel element and you have not provided any text values to appear along with the button. Go back to Dialogs and give your button message text

Button caption must not be empty

You are using the button channel element and you have not provided any text values to appear inside the button. Go back to Dialogs and give your button caption text

Button action URL must not be empty

You are using the button channel element and you have not provided a URL when called to action. Go back to Dialogs and provide your button with a valid URL

Chatbot channel and sender must be defined

You have not selected a channel and/or sender for your chatbot. Go to Settings and select a sender. Senders can only be used in one chatbot

At least 1 synonym should be defined

You have not add any synonyms for a keyword. You must add a minimum of 1 synonym to each keyword.

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