Infobip Messaging Trends 2022/23

Our lives today are more digital than ever 

We analyzed over 153 billion interactions that took place on our platform in the first half of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021 to learn the current trends in business-to-consumer communications.

Download the report to find out: 

  • What are the most popular channels in B2C communication – globally and across regions 
  • The role digital channels and cloud solutions play in customer engagement and support 
  • How industries have evolved with today’s technology to meet consumer demands


Increase in number of interactions on digital channels


of contact center and chatbot interactions were on WhatsApp 


increase in SMS interactions

Conversational experiences will become the norm – and the entire customer journey will be a combination of our favorite channels, features, and technologies. In this report, we share the current trends we’ve seen come to life across our platform and why brands should start to build their own omnichannel foundation to prepare for a conversational future.

Ivan Ostojić

Chief Business Officer, Infobip