Are you ready for the Black Friday & Cyber Monday messaging surge? 

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Monika Lončarić

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

This year, messaging interactions on Black Friday (BF) and Cyber Monday (CM) are expected to rise once again. Both BF and CM are predicted to see a 55% messaging increase compared to the average Friday and Monday in November respectively.  


predicted messaging increase on Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023

Businesses need to be prepared and look for a solution that can manage such a high number of messages sent in a single day. The thing all retailers want to avoid on BF and CM is their system crashing, messages going undelivered and customers feeling ignored. A robust platform that delivers high throughput will help businesses manage their communications and bring their marketing strategies to the next level. 

This blog will cover predictions for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday messaging surge and a few tips to ensure your messaging is reliable and delivered properly this shopping season.  

Prediction of messaging rise during BF and CM

Unsurprisingly, the biggest market for BF and CM is North America, with Europe and other regions following suit as more and more brands are looking to capitalize on offering limited-time deals to customers before the holiday season. 

We will see a rise in omnichannel marketing with a greater focus on digital channels and mobile messaging to grab consumers’ attention compared to last year.  

Let’s take a look how our analysts predict that messaging channels that will be used this year:  


SMS is known as the most used channel for the shopping season. This year, a 54% increase in interactions is expected for BF compared to the average Friday and 53% for CM versus a regular Monday.  

  • MS messaging in North America is expected to increase by 96% on BF and 110% on CM 
  • Europe is expected to see a 73% increase in SMS on BF and 51% increase on CM 


North America is where MMS interactions skyrocket. On Black Friday, MMS messaging is expected to increase by 128% versus a regular Friday and 149% on CM compared to the average Monday in November.  


Interactions on the popular chat app are expected to grow far beyond what we have seen in previous years and could increase by 15% on Black Friday and 40% on Cyber Monday. 

  • On BF, WhatsApp messaging in expected to rise by 26% in India and 25% in the Asia Pacific region compared to the average Friday in November 
  • On CM, North America is expected to see a 153% rise in WhatsApp messages, while India is forecasted at a 55% increase compared to the average Monday in November


Much like last year, Viber interactions are expected to increase, this time by 52% on BF and 72% on CM. 

  • Viber interactions in Europe are expected to rise by 197% and by 104% in Eurasia on BF compared to the average Friday 
  • On CM, Viber interactions are expected to increase by 270% in India, 144% in the Asia Pacific region and 110% in MENA versus the average Monday in November 

Build a foundation for messaging

Martech, B2B eCommerce, and customer engagement platforms need to prepare for a massive influx of requests and messages from retailers. Customers expect the same speed and ease of communication on these peak days as they would on a regular Monday.

To meet these high expectations and keep processes running smoothly, platforms need to look for a communications technology partner who can successfully meet their customers’ expectations with:

  • No interruptions 
  • High throughput 
  • No downtime on their platform  
  • Platform reliability with a wide range of channels 
  • Always-on local support  

How Infobip can help

Infobip solutions will help you deliver better engagement for your customers on the busiest shopping days of the year. We ensure your processes and interactions run smoothly with:

  • 40+ data centers that offer stability, service continuity and low latency for platforms 
  • 800+ direct operator connections that ensure messages are always delivered on the fastest and highest quality route, while meeting all local compliance requirements 
  • CPaaS capabilities that offer an unrivalled portfolio of channels to choose from. Ensure messages are always delivered, whether on your channel of choice or through fallback channels 

What retail businesses can do

Businesses should level up generic BFCM messages by personalizing interactions and targeting the right audience. By adopting Infobip solutions, retailers can offer better engagement during the busy shopping season.


Start by integrating various channels to your communications stack by adopting a CPaaS solution. Offer customers a variety of ways to reach out to your business based on their preferences. Your messages will have a higher rate of delivery through CPaaS thanks to fallback channels.

A customer data platform

Collect all your customer data in one place. Gather valuable information from past interactions and browsing behavior to build detailed customer profiles that help you segment your audience for the right messages and campaigns.

An omnichannel customer engagement solution

Create personalized messaging flows and targeted campaigns for the right customers on BFCM. Choose the perfect channel and time to engage with them and help boost interactions, conversions and overall sales.

Cloud contact center

Allow agents to have a full view of customer conversations on one platform. They can manage multiple conversations on multiple channels to offer customers faster and more efficient support on some of the busiest days of the year.

Chatbot building platform

Craft the ideal chatbot for your business to offer self-service options to customers and lower the demand for agents to work on high-volume low-value inquiries. End-users can get their questions answered instantly and on their preferred channel.

CX consultancy

Create ideal workflows and campaigns based on your audience with the help of CX consultancy. Working with a team of experts will help your business find the best combination of solutions and channels to boost ROI and engagement during one of the busiest messaging seasons of the year.

Make it conversational

Take advantage of the vast number of messages expected for BFCM 2023. By adapting conversational commerce tactics and automating sales processes, businesses and platforms can create personalized end-to-end customer journeys that includes purchasing. Reduce pain points, offer better engagement and increase conversions by guiding customers through a seamless conversational journey on their favorite channel.

Make your holiday messages count

Learn how to get more out of your Black Friday interactions.

May 10th, 2023
5 min read
Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Monika Lončarić

Senior Content Marketing Specialist