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Dev Days: Full power of Infobip development

Dev technologies, tools, bases, libs, best practices, and new methodologies – everything we use and do to keep our technical platform on top of the game, was discussed at this weekend’s Dev Days 2014, a huge 3-day gathering of developers of all the four Infobip R&D centres.
While our dev teams and talents are diverse, they’re all working towards the same goal – making it easy for other companies and developers to access global messaging and payments capacity, i.e. our proprietary platform that processes over 1bn monthly transactions. And having skilled and innovative developers is vital for the top performance of technologies and services we build for clients around the world.
Conference topics ranged from the internal Deployment Manager tool, SMPP protocol, GIT versioning and concepts, Java7 & Java8 language features, to Infobip Maven conventions. Teams also concentrated on spring and databases. Discussions about the advanced spring concepts such as integration-test / dbunit / spring-test-dbunit, spring security, spring-data-jpa + spring-data-rest, and spring AOP (+ dynamic Java proxies), have attracted great interest, as well as dynamic SQL, best practices and some interesting tricks and magic in the database area.
Senior developers showed how to detect memory leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer, debug service in production using “shell”, service monitoring / graphing with JMX Transformer, and other tools and technologies our platform is based on. Younger generation has shown inspiring competence and a strong drive for innovation, while knowledge flow, team agility, best practices, and client-focused coding were examined in-depth.
We’re faced with change and challenge daily. Team synergy and adaptability are vital for staying on top of the game. Our organisation has grown significantly over the last 10 years. We have a capacity to take people on-board quickly, tackle complex client requirements, and introduce new technologies without losing momentum at any point.
izabel jelenic – CTO, Infobip
See more Dev Days photos on our Flickr and Facebook profiles. Interested in a career in development? Contact us.