Vecindapp: 95% cost savings and secure reception-to-resident communications with an integrated Voice channel 


cost savings


Cost-effective and secure voice communication for property staff and residents 

Vecindapp provides software solutions for the management of condominiums and up-market residential communities in Colombia. Many of the residents of these properties are high net-worth individuals or from the diplomatic community and prioritize their privacy and security.

Vecindapp was looking to facilitate communication between property staff and residents with a software solution that was secure, cost effective, and simple to implement. This would enable reception to provide an efficient concierge service and provide prompt updates on time-sensitive issues like parcel deliveries and taxi bookings, without exposing residents’ private phone numbers.

Daily interactions for residents and front desk staff

  • Package deliveries
  • Guest arrivals
  • Maintenance and utility updates
  • Appointment reminders
  • Taxi bookings
  • Security measures
  • Lost and found
  • Amenity services

Previously this would have been done using the in-house video intercom system, but this was ineffective if residents were away from home for any length of time, or if they were not comfortable appearing on camera. In addition, installing and maintaining these systems was extremely expensive and meant that staff were not able to communicate with residents during periods of routine maintenance.

Calling residents directly on land lines and mobile was not an option due to the security risk of maintaining a phone number directory visible to all building staff.

Vecindapp was keen to improve this disjointed experience for both on-site staff and residents, ideally incorporating the existing capability of their concierge WhatsApp chatbot that people were already familiar with. To meet the high expectations of discerning residents, a unique and innovative solution would be required.


The team at Vecindapp applied to join our Startup Tribe program after it was recommended to them by a mutual industry contact. Through this program, startups get access to a wide range of perks to help them grow their business, including free credits for our products, education and training, and networking opportunities.

Vecindapp used their free credits to create a bespoke communication solution using Infobip’s APIs. This included sending WhatsApp and SMS messages to engage with their users and integrating Infobip’s Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) solution to facilitate audio calls over the internet. This was ideal for Vecindapp’s use case, as they were able to incorporate Call Link into their solution via a simple API connection, which guaranteed the secure and private interactions that they required.

When staff need to communicate with a resident, they follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the people directory in Vecindapp.
  2. Search for and select the resident they wish to contact.
  3. Click the Dial option.
  4. The call is routed directly to the person’s phone without their number, or any other private information being exposed.

When a resident wants to speak to property reception, they simply select the relevant option from their building’s dedicated WhatsApp chatbot, or submit a request by SMS, and reception calls them back immediately via the above process.

For property staff, the entire interaction is handled via the Vecindapp interface, with no third-party applications required. This means that the process can be managed by either front-of-house or back-office staff, with a seamless communication experience for residents. All numbers are stored securely within the database and set to private, so are not visible to software users.

Infobip technology stack used by Vecindapp:


95% cost reductions, increased staff efficiency, and a trusted new communication channel 

The solution was built, implemented, and put into production within a matter of weeks by Vecindapp’s technical staff. It was quickly scaled and adopted by over 1,000 individual residential buildings at sites all over Colombia who were able to benefit immediately from its capabilities.

Based on initial estimates, Vecindapp users will see a 95% reduction in communication costs over 5 years when compared with the ongoing costs of installing and maintaining traditional intercom systems.

The Call Link integration has enriched the Vecindapp application with secure and cost-effective voice-calling capability making it a more compelling proposition for residential properties that prioritize privacy, security, and efficiency. Vecindapp users can benefit in a number of ways:

  • Unified user experience: Voice communication is managed via the Vecindapp interface with no third-party software or devices required.
  • No costly investments: With the only requirement being an internet connection, it eliminates the need for traditional intercom systems and associated infrastructure that require extensive cabling and maintenance costs.
  • Time savings: When residents are away from the property, staff don’t have to repeatedly try and get through to them, allowing them to focus on their core building management responsibilities.
  • Guaranteed privacy: With no private numbers being revealed, the Vecindapp application becomes a trusted channel for two-way communications.
  • Communication transparency: Building management can easily review call logs which provide an audit trail of communication with each unit.

With the success of the WebRTC integration, Vecindapp are keen to explore new options for incorporating Infobip’s products and services into their offering and bringing value to their customers.

Joining Infobip Startup Tribe has given us the possibility to test new communication solutions and, consequently, make a real step forward in our operations and business development, without having to spend a lot of money. After implementing WhatsApp as our main communication channel, we have increased the effectiveness of our communications from 45% with email to 90% using WhatsApp, a number that makes us really happy. To provide an even better user experience, we are planning to implement additional channels such as Twitter, Facebook Messenger, SMS and Telegram, and to automate some interactions with our clients through Conversations.

Sergio Rios Giraldo

Co-Founder, Intus Colombia

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