Infobip becomes the first platform to power Application-to-Person Rich Communication Services (A2P RCS) for North America

Chicago, June 19, 2024 – Global communications platform Infobip is the first to offer A2P RCSMessaging for North America through a new Application Programming Interface (API). As pioneersin global omnichannel communications, Infobip is leading the market with another innovativesolution.

An analysis of 473 billion interactions showed that consumers continue to look for a deeperconnection with the brands they buy from, making more interactive messaging channels critical toa brand’s growth. Infobip’s RCS network gives mobile network operators access to the necessarysoftware to allow businesses to reach customers through highly conversational interactions thatwill help set brands apart from their competition.

As RCS use continues to grow worldwide, North American businesses can now create customerexperiences that SMS and MMS formats do not offer, enhancing engagement and drivingconversions. Infobip’s API empowers businesses to reach customers in new ways using brandedmultimedia messages that can include powerful visuals and personalization on a reliable platformproven to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and conversion. This powerful API allows for easyintegration with other cloud solutions, creating a single omnichannel platform to connect RCS tothe tools and technology already in use.

“We expect RCS use to grow exponentially worldwide, and we are proud to be the first platform inNorth America to power an A2P solution that will allow our customers to give richer communicationthat consumers demand from the brands they interact with,” said Ethan Gustav, Group Presidentfor North America at Infobip.

Infobip’s platform allows customers to easily integrate RCS and test the platform with lessengineering effort and lower costs, creating an omnichannel experience. Options include theInfobip RCS portal and editor to send messages through a user interface without integration.Additionally, Infobip customers can upgrade SMS and MMS messages to RCS using existing APIintegrations. Infobip’s platform seamlessly converts rich messaging channels into RCS, making thetransition easier. Lastly, a full suite of RCS capabilities is already available to customers using thestandalone RCS API and Messages API.

About Infobip

Infobip is a global cloud communications platform that enables businesses to build connected experiencesacross all stages of the customer journey. Accessed through a single platform, Infobip’s omnichannelengagement, identity, user authentication, and contact center solutions help businesses and partnersovercome the complexity of consumer communications to grow business and increase loyalty. With over adecade of industry experience, Infobip has expanded to 75+ offices globally. It offers natively built technologywith the capacity to reach over seven billion mobile devices and ‘things’ in 6 continents connected to over9,700+ connections of which 800+ are direct operator connections. Infobip was established in 2006 and is ledby its co-founders, CEO Silvio Kutić, Roberto Kutić and Izabel Jelenić.

Recent award wins include:

  • Infobip named to Fast Company’s Annual List of the World’s Most Innovative Companies (March
  • Infobip ranked as number one Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) provider, in the
    inaugural MetriRank CPaaS Report from Metrigy (Dec 2023)
  • Omdia Ranks Infobip as Leader for the second year running in its CPaaS Universe Report (Nov 2023)
  • Infobip named a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Communications Platform as a Service
    (CPaaS) 2023 (Sept 2023)
  • Infobip named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Platform-as-a-Service
    (CPaaS) 2023 Vendor Assessment (May 2023)
  • Infobip named a leader in the CPaaS Leaderboard, Juniper Research (March 2024)
  • Infobip named a leader in the CCaaS Leaderboard, Juniper Research (Dec 2023)
  • Infobip named a leader in the Juniper Customer Data Platform Leaderboard Report (July 2023)
Jun 19th, 2024
3 min read