Release Notes


Last update November 30, 2021

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AnswersNative integration for People enabled.
New message types for Viber Bots.
New attributes for Google's Business Messages.
EmailDaily warmup figures added to domain dashboard.
LINEQuick Reply and Rich Card messages in FLOW in Moments now support the Reply message option.
ZaloDocumentation for Zalo is now available.
BroadcastWeb Push Notifications channel is now available in Broadcast
MomentsImproved Pause element in Flows.
LINE element updates in Moments.
Inbound Message Parsing Improvements
IntegrationsEloqua: WhatsApp channel now supports WhatsApp media templates.
SMS channel now supports Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) templates.


Native People Integration Enabled

You can now natively integrate Answers with the Infobip customer data platform People. This means you can get and update data on your customers stored in People and use it as part of your customer chatbot journeys.

Using data from People optimizes the user experience by collecting data to enhance conversation personalization, and user engagement based on the details provided.

The new People element is now available for selection when building chatbots. This new element also allows the use of custom mapping between attributes across solutions, so that you can map any fields you need. You can also configure the People element to create new profiles directly from the chatbot conversation.

New Message Types for Viber Bots


Two new message types are now available for Viber Bots in Answers. You can now add carousel messages and custom keyboards to your Viber Bot-enabled chatbots.

Carousel messages allow you to add multiple rich cards combined into one message which users can slide through to be presented with several options and call-to-actions.

Custom keyboards allow users to select a quick reply option from a set of pre-defined responses. Keyboards will replace the user's keyboard temporarily with options to select from, allowing your chatbot to understand which logic to take next depending on the response.

Location Attributes Added for Google's Business Messages

End-user entry points and locations are now automatically tracked when using Google's Business Messages as your communication channel. This allows your chatbots to quickly identify which is the closest commercial location to the end-user it is interacting with.

The following fixed attributes are now available when using this channel:

  • gbmEntryLocation
  • gbmNearPlaceID


UI/UX Improvements

Daily email warmup tallies have been added to the domains dashboard so you can get a quick view of how many emails are going out a day for your campaigns.

Email settings naming has been simplified.


Reply Message Option is Available

Quick Reply and Rich Card outbound messages in FLOW in Moments now support the Reply message option.


Documentation is Now Available

Product documentation for Zalo is now available.


Web Push Notifications channel is now available in Broadcast

We've added another channel to Broadcast: Web Push Notifications.

Use Web Push Notifications to post browser-based notifications directly to your audience from your Broadcast.


Improved Pause element in Flows

We have updated the Pause element in Flow for improved journey planning. You now have greater control setting the pause duration. Pause can be set to wait until a day/time, pause for a period of time (for setting a generic waiting period), or pause until an exact date. Very useful for planning focused user communications to be sent before an appointment or perhaps a national holiday.

LINE element updates in Moments

LINE functionality has now been extended to include an optional quick reply text or button to be added to your LINE message for greater customization.

Also, LINE is now a supported channel when you use the Evaluate Inbound Message element. You can now branch your Flows based on LINE messages that the user may send you.

Inbound Message Parsing Improvements

The Inbound Message entry point and Evaluate Inbound Message Flow element have been enhanced to give you greater control of the data that you want capture when a user sends an inbound message as part of your flow.

You can now capture anything in the message body text by leveraging 4 new operators: is equal to keyword, is equal to person attribute, contains any or matches Regex when constructing your conditions. Use the power of Regex to search message body text against standard regular expression patterns.


Eloqua: Media Templates are Available for WhatsApp

You can now use media templates when you use WhatsApp as the communication channel. For more information, refer to the User Guide >> Testing >> Create a Campaign section.

Eloqua: DLT Templates are Available for SMS

You can now use DLT templates when you use SMS as the communication channel. This feature is applicable only when you send messages to customers who are in India. For more information, refer to the User Guide >> Installation and Configuration >> Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Templates section.

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