Release Notes


Last update December 15, 2022

What's New?Learn More
ConversationsImprovements in Automatic agent assignment logic.
AnswersYou can now access computed attributes present in People.
Integration with BigCommerce is now available.
Integration with VTEX is now available.
ViberURL shortening and tracking is available on the Viber Business Messages API.
MomentsMonthly Engaged Person (MEP) Consumption Report is now Available.
MMS in Flow is now Available.
Use Custom Formulas in Update Person Profile Element.
Wait for an Event Element Updates.
URL ShorteningIntroducing custom domains for branding shortened URLs.
Apps & IntegrationsNew features added to three apps.
EmailEmail Preview with Personalization Attributes.
New Tabs widget in the Email Editor.


Automatic agent assignment

The Popstar release brings improvements in how the system fetches conversations from the correct queues (previously, these were being fetched based on priority + the time they were created).

Automatic agent assignment helps avoid situations where one queue with occupied agents blocks assignments in another queue. This improvement results in a faster and fairer conversation distribution among all agents.

Additionally, this feature is now enabled by default for any new queuesand you can exclude Solved and/or Waiting status when calculating capacity.

Learn more about automatic agent assignment improvements.


Access to Computed Attributes in People

In Answers, you can now access the computed attributes that are present in People. These attributes contain information that is obtained through custom formulae, profile scoring, and event aggregation. Use these attributes to personalize your responses to end users. Example: If the end user has purchased a product in the last 7 days, ask them "Are you contacting us regarding your recent order?" If the end user's profile score is high, prioritize their request.

For information about using these attributes, refer to the Attributes documentation.

Integration with BigCommerce is now Available

You can now connect your Answers chatbots to the BigCommerce platform. Use your chatbots to automate actions regarding orders, products, and customers. Example: End users can search for products, add items to cart, create and find orders, get billing information, and select shipping options through the chatbot.

Integration with VTEX is now Available

You can now connect your Answers chatbots to the VTEX platform. Use your chatbots to automate actions regarding orders, products, and customers. Example: End users can search for products and orders through the chatbot.


URL Shortening and Tracking is Available on API

On the Viber Business Messages API (opens in a new tab), you can shorten URLs and track the number of clicks for these URLs. You can do the following:

  • Default URL shortening: Shortens the entire URL
  • Custom domain URL shortening: Partially shortens the URL such that it retains the custom domain
  • Protocol removal: Removes the 'http' or 'https' prefix from the URL. For primary domains, it shortens the entire URL. For custom domains, it partially shortens the URL such that it retains the custom domain.

For more information, refer to the URL Shortening and Tracking documentation.


Monthly Engaged Persons Consumption Report is now Available

For this release, we have introduced the Monthly Engaged Persons (MEP) Consumption Report to enable you to view statistics on engaged profiles in your account. This is a very useful way of tracking subscription charges for engaged profiles every month. Track the date of engagement, date, time, and MEP by campaigns and export the data into CSV or XLSX format.

Take a look at MEP Consumption Report to learn more.

MMS in Flow is now Available

With MMS in Flow you can now send rich media content with a high delivery rate in your automation communication scenarios, and easily track the status of your messages and how your customers react to them.

Use Custom Formulas in Update Person Profile Element

You can now use expression language with the Update Person Profile in Flow.

It is now easier than ever to update profile attributes by using custom formulas and all tools that our expression language provides to manipulate data. Now our customers can convert data types, trim unnecessary symbols, do mathematical operations based on mobile-originated or event values and more.

Wait for an Event Element Updates

We have added an option to the Wait for an Event element to allow you to consider events that happened with the person from the moment they enter the Flow.

By allowing the Wait for an Event element to consider historical events, you can avoid situations where a user may be stuck in the Flow waiting for an event to occur that may have happened in the past.

For example, a marketer building a funnel to track emails using Wait for an Event element that waits for 3 events, Email sent, then Email opened, then Email Link Clicked, each with a waiting period of 2 days.  They may find that a person gets stuck waiting at the Event Opened event for an unexpected reason like the email client blocking the Email opened event for privacy reasons. So in 2 days when it comes to the Email Clicked event, the person may find that the event has already passed and cannot move forward in the Flow. If 'Include events from the entrance of the flow' is enabled then the past events will be considered and the person will move forward as expected.

URL Shortening

This release introduces a new way of managing shortened URLs using custom domains.

When using URL links in promotional messages, instructions, and notifications, end users often hesitate to click long URLs especially if they contain many parameters. Users find them unsightly and untrustworthy, and may even consider them to be spam.

URL Shortening automatically generates a shorter, more reliable-looking URL in your message content. The default way of shortening a URL is provided by Infobip using a list of standard domains.

Infobip can now shorten those URL links using custom domains. The custom domain lets clients register their own domain so the shortened URL will have a recognizable company or brand domain.

Apps & Integrations

  • BigCommerce - Now includes Answers Blocks to connect your chatbots easily and enhance the interaction by including order, product, and customer information
  • VTEX - Now includes Answers Blocks to connect your chatbots easily and enhance the interaction by including order, product, and customer information
  • ServiceNow - Now includes Infobip Spoke for automating your SMS messaging


Email Preview with Personalized Attributes

This release introduces the ability to use preview mode to test personalization attributes so that you can see exactly how names, surnames, and other placeholders will look in the email design. This enables you to decide what to change for a better personalization display before committing to the final design. This enables you to:

  • Assess the value of the attributes used in the message
  • Test sample information to improve the appearance of the message

For more information, see Personalized Attributes in Preview.

Tabs widget in Email Editor

The Email Editor has several kinetic features that add interactive content to make your emails more exciting, and impactful. Kinetic features aim to give a website experience without the need for the recipient to leave the email.

The Tabs widget is a new kinetic feature in the Email Editor to design message text in separate tabs for making longer messages easier to consume for the recipient.

Each tab is identified with a header and you can format the text to suit the information. When the recipient receives the message, they see each section as a tab at the top of the message. The recipient can then select the tab to see the relevant detail.

For more information, see Kinetic features.

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