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Getting started: Viber for Business

Viber is one of the most popular chat apps with wide global usage. With Viber for Business, businesses can craft end-to-end journeys for over 1 billion users around the world, communicate at scale, use chatbots to provide conversational customer support – and host complete customer journeys within a single app.

Sending your first Viber for Business broadcast

During your trial period, you can send up to 100 free Viber messages – and only to a verified phone number.

Your first step is to add your recipients either manually or using a list.

Next, choose which sender to use for your broadcast. This is the name recipients will see when they receive a message. During your free trial, you can only use a predefined sender, DemoCompany. You can submit a request for a dedicated Viber sender for your account.

After adding your recipients and choosing your sender, you can create your message.

Viber for Business facilitates rich media messaging. Create your message and include a URL to your image (.jpg or .png, 10MB size limit). Add your message, and a call-to-action button at the end. When you’re done designing your message, click “Done designing” in the bottom right.

Enable the “Failover to SMS” option for critical messages. This feature is left disengaged by default.

Schedule your message and delivery time window by setting a start date and time for your desired time zone.

Define a delivery time window outside of which messages cannot be delivered. This is to avoid sending messages at irregular hours that may annoy your customers.

Tracking and reporting gives you the option to shorten URLs. Enabling this option shortens clickable links in your message and is required in order to track URL clicks – which is the next available option. Enable this to keep track of which campaign links were clicked, when, how many times, and by which recipients.

Standard reporting options are available via API pull to see how many messages were delivered, and push to webhook to subscribe to events on your account.

Lastly, choose personalization elements from the Data payload dropdown menu to add a personalized touch to your messages.

Under Advanced settings, you can adjust the message sending speed to throttle delivery and avoid potentially unmanageable traffic spikes on your end – e.g. more inbound calls than your agents can cover.

Logs and reporting

To check the status of submitted messages, go to Logs.

When in Logs you are given a complete overview of your submitted messages and their respective statuses.

Use filtering options to view messages submitted via Viber and their associated statuses. Add SMS if you enabled the failover to SMS option.

Every status comes with an explanation.

For detailed information about how recipients engaged with your messages. This includes opens, reads, clicks, etc.

Request sender and pricing

Once you’ve tested Viber messaging and are ready to begin messaging your customers, you can request your own Viber sender and pricing.

Clicking on the button opens a window to submit your email where we’ll send you all the information about setting up your own sender and costs associated with this.

Viber for developers

To test Viber, first generate your unique API key.

Next, use the example API request to send a Viber message from IBViber to your mobile number. IBViber is the preregistered test sender for sending one-way messages during the free trial period.

Once you send your test message, the request and response models used for this action will automatically be displayed.