Back in stock alerts

Notify your customers when a product comes back in stock and enable the purchase with just a few clicks.

Be there on their channels of choice

No matter where your customers are, no matter which channels they prefer, you can be there for them in the important moments of their lives.


The pain points:

  • When a wanted item is out of stock, customers might abandon their purchase altogether, leaving you with lost sales and disappointed customers.
  • Out-of-stock situations can lead to missed opportunities to capture customer interest and build anticipation for a product’s return.
  • Knowing which items are in high demand but out of stock can be crucial for effective inventory management. Without a system to capture this data, you might miss out on valuable insights.

How back-in-stock alerts helps

  • Allow customers to sign up for notifications when an out-of-stock item becomes available again, ensuring they don’t miss out.
  • Enhance the shopping experience by providing proactive communication and making it easy for customers to get the products they want.
  • Gather data on customer demand and product popularity to optimize inventory management and predict future trends.

The business benefit of back-in-stock alerts:

  • Recapture lost revenue: Don’t let those “out of stock” notices be the end of the story. Back-in-stock alerts give you a second chance to capture those sales, turning missed opportunities into revenue.
  • Boost customer loyalty: Show your customers you care by keeping them in the loop. Back-in-stock alerts demonstrate that you value their interest and want to help them get the products they desire.
  • Drive sales: A well-timed alert can be just the nudge a customer needs to make a purchase they might have otherwise forgotten about.
  • Reduce customer service inquiries: Proactive communication through back-in-stock alerts can reduce the number of customer inquiries about product availability, freeing up your support team to focus on other tasks.
  • Optimize inventory: Gain valuable insights into product demand and optimize inventory levels to minimize stockouts and maximize sales.